02-28-2013 01:53 PM
Circuit advertisement
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
Nice bayonets, how did you wangle that one????
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
Well, yesterday I was at a funeral of a fallen Legionaire. Afther the service we all went to a cafe a cross the street.
Overthere I started talking with an older man.
After a while and a lot of beers we were speaking about the fact that I'm a collector.
So he told me he had some old stuff at home that he was pleased to give me because
it was lieing in his way. So today I've met him again and he gaved me an old suitcase with this stuff in it.
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
Man the only thing that happened to me the last time I went out drinking was to wake up with a pounding headache. Great score.
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
The holster is for the M1911/1911A1 Colt .45 Auto pistol-brown leather is WW1 or 2 example-the bayonet on the far right is a British P1907 for the Short Magazine Lee Enfield rifle (SMLE) as used in WW1 and 2-stampings on the blade will show where and when it was made.
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
"He who hesitates is lost - is not only lost but miles from the next exit"
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
3rd bayo from right is a Belgian M1924 Long export type for the FN24 rifle-made and sold in large numbers to the many countries that used the weapon.
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
The bayo next to the SA dagger (with the frog) looks like an early k98 bayo, looks like it says G, if thats the case 1935
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
That's such a catch that I would probably have felt bad taking it all for free... generous guy, and... lucky you!
Re: Dagger and bajonets for freeee!!!
Thank you guys. Well, I didn't feel bad at all. He probable had trown them away if I didn't tooked them...