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Maker Logo trivia

Article about: I'll settle for partial credit, Larry. I was so certain that was the answer that I'm to disappointed to try again. I think I'll need a visit from Sympathy the barmaid. Luke

  1. #1

    Default Maker Logo trivia

    Hello gentlemen and ladies,,there is no easy way out except to put on your thinking caps and research for yourselves. You cant google this!!
    I will be posting a vague description of a logo once a week or more if needed if these rhymes are answered quickly,, and without saying the actual name of it. You will have to figure it out and dig into your reference books and scratch your heads!
    I have decided to put it here on the Main daggers forum as there are many logos that were used for many types of daggers.

    I will give one example for you to have an idea..: "that scrawny looking stick bird"...Answer: Karl Bocker
    Ok Now you have an idea,, so you can either answer it with words or post a photo of the logo. Good luck,,

    Heres the first logo rhyme:..."King Neptune used this type of pitch fork thing!!

    Below are the answers to date........Post numbers,,, correspond with the makers! I am in the process high lighting the makers so as 1 click will take you to the page of the logo.

    Aesculap ( 165 )
    Alcoso ( 296 )
    Axt U. Hauerfabrik Gmbh. ( 271 )
    Backhaus FW ( 80 )
    Bahrl Julius Jr. ( 746 )
    Balke Richard ( 64 )
    Barthelmess Fritz "Bavaria" ( 769 )
    Bastian Gunter
    Becker Eduard " Kolumbuswerk" ( 225 )
    Becker Gebr. ( 384 )
    Bell Gebr. ( 770 )
    Bender Carl ( 25 )
    Berns Gebr. Otterwerk ( 303 )
    Berns Hugo " Hubeo" ( 771 )
    Bertram Reinh & Sohn ( 123 )
    Bickel August ( 348 )
    Bismarck ( 507 )
    Bocker Karl ( 72 )
    Bodenstein Julius ( 482 )
    Gebr. Bohme ( 772 )
    Boker Heinrich ( 408 )
    Boker Rohm SS variant ( 684 )
    Bolte & Anschutz "Post War Producer" See this thread for reference of this maker.
    Bonsmann ( 497 )
    Bontgen & Sabin ( 29 )
    Gebr. Born ( 773 )
    Braun Adolf ( 107 )
    Brosy von F. ( 363 )
    Bruckmann Ernst ( 452 )
    Buchel Rudolf ( 357 )
    Burgsmuller Karl ( 98 )
    Busch Ernst ( 313 )
    Christianswerk ( 558 )
    Cleff Ewald ( 142 )
    Clemen & Jung (190 )
    Coppel Alex ( 535 )
    Curten & Holtgen
    Dirlam & Sohn ( 209 )
    Dittert J E & Co. ( 87 )
    Dorschel Albert ( 570 )
    Drees Richard ( 525 )
    Ebel Paul ( 8 )......Main page
    Eickelnberg & Mack ( 632 )
    Eickhorn Carl ( 40 )
    ((( All Dated Eickhorn Logos 1933 - 1942 )))
    Eppenstein C. & Sohne ( 680 )
    Erbe H.A. Schmalkalden ( 714 )
    Ernst Pack & Sohn "EP&S" ( 112 )
    Esser & Co. " Koln" ( 706 )
    Evertz A. Solingen
    F. Dick ( 23 )
    Feldbeck & Pickard ( 530 )
    Felix Gustav ( 457 )
    Frenzel Franz " Nixdorf" ( 693 )
    Gebr. Halbach "Bulldog" ( 186 )
    Gebr. Heller "Balloonman" ( 283 )
    Gebr. Heller "Marienthal" Gebr. Heller ( 519 )
    Gebr. Heller Schmalkalden ( 722 )
    Giegis Friedrich ( 140 )
    Gembruch Ed ( 491 )
    Gerling Ernst Solingen Ohligs
    Gierling Emil ( 619 )
    Giersch Rob ( 318 )
    Giesen & Forsthoff ( 606 )
    Gebr. Grafrath ( 786 )
    Gebr. Grafrath "Grawiso" (787 )
    Grah Carl ( 735 )
    Grah Ernst ( 788 )
    Grah Reinhold ( 337 )
    Groten Ludwig ( 577 )
    Haas Carl ( 779 )
    Haastert & Bull ( 92 )
    Hack-Werke " Steyr" ( 502 )
    Haco ( 103 )
    Haenal of Suhl ( 784 )
    Haering Eugen ( 575 )
    Hahn Hermann (499 )
    Haker Gustav ( 242)
    Halbach Gebr " Bulldog" ( 423 )
    Halbach Wilhelm ( 291 )
    Hammesfahr & Cie ( 345 )
    Hammesfahr Gottlieb ( 798 )
    Hartkopf & Co. ( 178 )
    Hast & Uhthoff ( 516 )
    Heidelberg Carl ( 47 )
    Helbig F.A. ( 541 )
    Henckels J.A. ( 751 )
    Henckels Paul ( 789 )
    Henkel & Muller " Macero" (560 )
    Herbeck & Meyer ( 790 )
    Herbertz & Meurer ( 791 )
    Herder & Engels ( 40 )
    Herder Friedrich ( 433 )
    Herder H. " Ace Of Spades" ( 114 )
    Herder Richard "Diamond logo" ( 792 )
    Herder Robert "Windmill logo" ( 258 )
    Herder & Sohn " Diogenes" ( 73 )
    Holler F.W. (Words only variant across the blade ) ( 556 )
    Holler F.W. "Thermometer" Logo ( 13 )
    Hoppe Curt ( 289 )
    Hoppe & Homan Hufeisenfk Minden ( 797 )
    Hoppe Gottfried & Sohn ( 795 )
    Hoppe Wilhelm ( 322 )
    Horstator ( 665 )
    Horster E.F. ( 689 )
    Jacobs & Co. ( 755 )
    Jacobs C. Rud ( 566 )
    Jordan Wilhelm F. ( 369 )
    Justinuswerk ( 418 )
    Kaiser Emil & Co. ( 586 )
    Kaldenbach Karl, Rob ( 811 )
    Kaufmann & Sohn ( 762 )
    Kemper Ernst ( 568 )
    Kerschbaumer Georg
    Kirschbaum & Co. ( 431 )
    Klaas Robert ( 730 )
    Klittermann & Moog ( 162 )
    Kloos Carl ( 592 )
    Knecht Aug. ( 57 )
    Knecht Ernst & Co. ( 132 )
    Kober Wilh. ( 101 )
    Koch & Rau ( 339 )
    Kohl Paul ( 157 )
    Kohlen F.R. v.d. ( 582 )
    Koller Gustav
    Koller Hugo ( 562 )
    Kolping H. ( 376 )
    Konejung Herm ( 171 )
    Krebs Carl & Julius ( 781 )
    Krebs , Peter & Daniel ( 167 )
    Krieger Wilhelm ( 193 )
    Krom Heinrich
    Krumm Gebr. ( 138 )
    Krupp Arter ( 412 )
    Krusius Gebr. ( 389 )
    Kuhl Albert ( 116 )
    Kuhrt Carl Fr. ( 811 )
    Kullenberg August ( 793 )
    Kupper & Oertling
    Lauterjung H&F
    Leuco ( 188 )
    Leupold Johann " Bayreuth" ( 505 )
    Linder C&R ( 612 )
    Linder Hermann & Sohne ( 548 )
    Linder Hugo "Deltawerk" ( 794 )
    Linder Hugo "Linor"
    Linder Otto ( 329 )
    Louper "Louis Perlmann ( 371 )
    Luneschloss P.D. ( 602 )
    Lungstrass Peter ( 783 )
    Lutters Carl & Cie ( 521 )
    Luttges E. & Co. ( 331 )
    Gebr. Lutzenkirchen
    Malsch & Ambron ( 495 )
    Malsch August ( 126 )
    Malsch David ( 774 )
    Karl Malsch Gust Sohn, Steinbach
    Karl Malsch-Spitzer, Steinbach
    Ernst Mandlewirth,
    Max May & vom Hau,
    Mebus Albert (809 )
    Meis Carl August ( 604 )
    Melcher Arthur " Armeso" ( 404 )
    Melzer & Feller " Zella Mehlis " ( 799 )
    Merten August ( 800 )
    Munch Joseph ( JMB ) ( 810 )
    Muller Gottfried "Vogtei" ( 678 )
    Nachf Curdts ( 528 )
    Neeff Gustav ( 459 )
    Neidhardt & Schmidt,
    Neptun Kupper & Oertling ( 448 )
    Neuhaus Ferdinand ( 655 )
    Ohliger Ed F.
    Ohliger Julius ( 657 )
    Oschmann Karl
    Ottersbach & Co. ( 299 )
    Pauseback Anw
    Peres Daniel ( 262 )
    Pfeilringwerk ( 52 )
    Pils Julius "Nixdorf" ( 254 )
    Pilswerk Franz Pils and Sohne Steyr ( 668 ) Unavailable Logo
    Plucker Friedrich Jr. ( 176 )
    Plumacher Richard
    Puma ( 203 )
    Rader Hugo ( 18 )
    Rasspe, Ernst Hugo
    Reich Ehrhardt
    Reimberg Karl
    Remeve,,Cuno Remscheid & Co
    Reuleaux Josef ( 807 )
    Ritter Kuno ( 785)
    Romer Ernst ( 184 )
    Romuso,,Robert Muller & Sohn
    Rottgen Albert ( 669 )
    Rotgen Ernst ( 401 )
    Rother August ( 806 )
    Rupprecht, Franz
    Sauer J.P. & Sohn ( 748 )
    Schaaf C.D. "aka" Perfectum ( 8 ).........Main page
    Scheidt, Eugen
    Schlieper Carl A. ( 174 )
    Schlimbach, Josef
    Schmidt, Carl & Sohn
    Schmidt J.A. & Sohne ( 455 )
    Schmidt Rudolf ( 396 )
    Schmitz Friedrich August ( 334 )
    Schneider, Gustav
    Schneider, Hermann
    Schnittert ABR "Wasso" ( 686 )
    Schrick, Emil & Sohn
    Schuttlehoffer Arthur ( Asso ) ( 151 )
    Seilheimer Paul ( 237 )
    Seilheimer Paul "PS" logo ( 675 )
    Servatius Hugo ( 219 )
    Simon Otto ( 119 )
    Solinger Axt Und Hauer fabrik GmbH " Double face king logo ( 271 )
    Solinger Axt und Hauerfabrik GmbH, Horse Head Logo
    Spalteneder, Muchen
    Spitzer, Gustav C.
    Spitzer, Karl
    Steinhoff Franz ( 366 )
    Stover Otto ( 600 )
    Suddeutsche Messerfabrik GmbH
    Tiger ( 415 )
    Tillmann, Carl & Sohn
    Torley Gebruder ( 479 )
    Undine Solingen ( 43 )
    Vitting Eduard ( 698 )
    Volker Adolf ( 60 )
    Voos Emil ( 160 )
    Voss Gustav ( 285 )
    WaffenHammer ( 130 )
    Wagner & Lange
    Wagner Wilhelm ( 181 )
    Weber Fritz ( 69 )
    Weinrank, Franz
    Weltersbach, Wilhelm
    Werth A. ( 743 )
    Wester & Butz,
    Wester & Dinger
    Weyersberg, Gebr.
    Weyersburg Gottfried ( 468 )
    Weyersberg, Gustav
    Weyersberg, Max " WMW"
    Weyersberg, Paul
    Weyersburg Reinhard ( 808 )
    Wielputz, Thomas
    Wingen Anton ( 67 )
    Wingen Arthur " Chromolit " ( 810 )
    Wirth Gustav (809 )
    Witte Ernst Erich " Kroneck" ( 768 )
    WKC ( 66 )
    Wolf Joeseph ( 62 )
    Wolfertz Is. ( 766 )
    Wurzer, Rudolf
    Wustoff Carl ( 796 )
    Wustoff Ed ( 2 ).......Main page
    Zander Carl "Kwick" ( 326 )
    Zeitler Ludwig ( 281 )
    Last edited by Larry C; 11-05-2014 at 03:51 AM.
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Maker Logo trivia
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    Advertising world

  3. #2

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    Not sure how you want me to answer but the maker is WUSTHOF and the mark is a (trident).

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Maker Logo trivia  
    Last edited by Larry C; 07-16-2012 at 01:15 AM.
    [h=3]e plu·ri·bus u·num[/h]

  4. #3

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    Yes Eric you are correct!! Ed Wustoff is the blade maker,,and the name of the maker will be a sufficient answer.

    Here is the 2nd rhyme: The old salty sea farer smokes a pipe!
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  5. #4

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    I would have to go with perfectum in solingen.


  6. #5

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    There was one on here recently I think! Carl D. Schaaf of Solingen if I remember correctly.

    Regards, Ned.
    'I do not think we can hope for any better thing now.
    We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker of course, and the end cannot be far.
    It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. R. SCOTT.
    Last Entry - For God's sake look after our people.'

    In memory of Capt. Robert Falcon Scott, Edward Wilson, Henry Bowers, Lawrence Oates and Edgar Evans. South Pole Expedition, 30th March 1912.

  7. #6

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    Excellent Ray and Ned as both answers are correct and one in the same. This next one is for the movie fans of film "Godfather" I have altered the the catch phrase by one word.

    Here is Rhyme #3 " He sleeps with the twin fishes"
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  8. #7

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    Any chance of a pic of the correct logo for each correct answer? It will be a good database and very useful learning tool for those of us who don't know our blade makers as well as we should........

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  9. #8

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    So for this is the last one I will geuss and then I will let everyone else play Paul Ebel
    Maker Logo trivia

    Adrian here is the last one with the fisherman
    Maker Logo trivia

  10. #9

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    If you don't mind larry I'd like to do one?

    "This guy must have been real thirsty with two pitchers of beverage."


  11. #10

    Default Re: Maker Logo trivia

    Maker Logo triviaMaker Logo trivia
    Quote by Larry C View Post
    ... Heres the first logo rhyme:..."King Neptune used this type of pitch fork thing!!
    Very nice thread !

    BTW, Eduard Wüsthof, Dreizackwerk, Solingen, manufactured trench knives already in WWI

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