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1 year on the forum

Article about: Hello, today one year ago I joined this forum, so that I could learn more about history, and yes I have since then learned more about Latvian history, I was planning on heading to jelgava to

  1. #1

    Default 1 year on the forum

    Hello, today one year ago I joined this forum, so that I could learn more about history, and yes I have since then learned more about Latvian history, I was planning on heading to jelgava to celebrate, but quarantine kicked in so I am a sitting duck. Thank you all for helping me discover more about history. Raul


  2. #2


    .....so now you're one of the "old guard", get posting!!! ;-)

    although 326 posts in one year ain't bad at all.....

  3. #3


    Time goes by so fast, Raul.
    Nice flag


  4. #4



    Semper Fi

  5. #5


    Your a teacher now
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  6. #6
    CBH is offline


    Your a great member, polite, willing to learn and thankful for replies.
    Keep up the great work.

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