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After all this time!...

Article about: Alleged Auschwitz guard, 93, arrested in Germany It's good to know that even after all this time war criminals are still being hunted, yes i know the old guy is innocent until proven guilty.

  1. #1

    Default After all this time!...

    Alleged Auschwitz guard, 93, arrested in Germany
    It's good to know that even after all this time war criminals are still being hunted, yes i know the old guy is innocent until proven guilty.

  2. #2

    Default Re: After all this time!...

    He states "it wasn't me"that old chesnut again,you dont have to pull the trigger to be guilty,just being there and knowing is enough without doing anything,mind you what could anyone have done at that time...............Jake.

  3. #3

    Default Re: After all this time!...

    befehl ist befehl.... I didn't think we would see any more like this. Will see what happens.....

  4. #4

    Default Re: After all this time!...

    Shame some of these people weren't pursued as vigourously by the German government (and other Allied governments) a few decades ago, when any judicail proceedings would have been more meaningful and there were more potential witneesses to war crimes alive than there are today...and more perpatrators that went unpunished.

    German courts have convicted around 6,650 Nazi war criminals in 36,000 trials since 1947, but most of those convictions occurred before 1950, and the overwhelming number of sentences amounted to less than one year in jail, according to figures from the Institute for Contemporary German History in Munich.

    In the US documentation unearthed reveals extensive relationships between former Nazi war criminals and American intelligence organizations, including the CIA. For example, current records show that at least five associates of the notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann worked for the CIA, 23 other Nazis were approached by the CIA for recruitment, and at least 100 officers within the Gehlen organization were former SD or Gestapo officers.

    Link: The CIA and former Nazi war criminas

  5. #5

    Default Re: After all this time!...

    Goop point. Just goes to show if you have the right info to sell it really doesn't matter how many atrocities you've committed. I have read how Gestapo Klaus Barbie who was assigned to Lyon France was really hooked up by the U.S. to spy on French communists after the war. Rheinhard Gehlen and some of his cohorts were also recruited by U.S. after he made a deal to turn over records he had hidden. Makes for some good reading. The Butcher of Lyon is dated but does make for some good reading.

  6. #6

    Default Re: After all this time!...

    There's always one isn't there.......

    A suggestion that 6 million German civilians were killed after the end of the war by occupying forces is complete rubbish and without any evidence.
    Don't bother posting such inflammatory nonsense unless you can back it up.
    This could be called trolling in which case expulsion is the most likely result.

    Thread closed.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

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