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Australia Government to Ban sales of all "Nazi" items!

Article about: Even Historic NSDAP items are to be banned from sale. Australia’s government plans legislation to ban swastikas and other Nazi symbols nationwide due to an increase in far-right activity,

  1. #1

    Default Australia Government to Ban sales of all "Nazi" items!

    Even Historic NSDAP items are to be banned from sale.

    Australia’s government plans legislation to ban swastikas and other Nazi symbols nationwide due to an increase in far-right activity, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said Thursday.

    While most Australian states already ban such Nazi symbols, the federal law would go further by also banning the trade in such material, Dreyfus said.

    “There’s been a rise in this kind of violent far right activity. We think it’s time for there to be a federal law which I’ll be bringing to the Parliament next week,” Dreyfus told Nine Network television.

    We’ve got responsibility for import and export. We want to see an end to trading in this kind of memorabilia or any items which bear those Nazi symbols,” Dreyfus said. “There’s no place in Australia for spreading of hatred and violence.”

    The Labor Party government controls the House of Representatives but not the Senate, and it’s unclear when a ban might pass or take effect. The law would include a penalty for people displaying Nazi symbols of up to a year in prison.

    Displaying symbols for religious, educational or artistic purposes would be among a range of exclusions from the ban. It will not affect the use of the swastika for people observing Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

    Dreyfus, who is Jewish, said the number of neo-Nazis was small, but the main domestic spy agency, the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, had raised concerns about their activity in the past three years.

    “This is a very small number of people. I’m hoping it’s getting small and it will eventually disappear,” he told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

  2. #2


    I was about to post a link to this myself and just noticed your post.

    If I understand it correctly, they are now saying individuals can privately own German memorabilia but it is illegal to sell it on for profit making collections effectively worthless for the type of items they are targeting.

    If this idea catches on in other countries I can only see this pushing the market for SS items in particular underground further pushing up prices. Going by the recent push to ban the auction of a AH pencil near to where I now live it could well spread.

    Shame the powers that be can’t appreciate that collecting these items is not a sign of holding any particular beliefs and banning them won’t stop people who do.

    I left my home in Australia years ago as it was becoming an increasingly nanny state and glad I did.

    Cheers, Dave.

  3. #3
    CBH is offline


    Canada has announced a similar policy on banning the sale of TR items, but I don’t know if it has passed into law. The only thing that I noticed is Lakeside Traders made their sales site private members only for Canadians, for a while but this has gone back to being public.
    I blame the fools who pretend to be nazis and fly the nazi flag while spreading hate and ignorance. I think it was 2016 when all this bullshït started to get out of hand.

  4. #4


    It looks like the laws will be passed through via the counter terrorism legislation....


  5. #5


    IMHO, it's all about power and control!!!

    "Only a pimp in a cheap Louisiana whore house carries a pearl handled revolver"
    - General George Smith Patton Jr.

  6. #6


    Ive called and sent emails to around 30 politicians from all parties so fa. We need to keep reminding them we exist.

  7. #7


    Quote by wizardman View Post
    Ive called and sent emails to around 30 politicians from all parties so fa. We need to keep reminding them we exist.
    And that they work for us and not the other way around!
    "Only a pimp in a cheap Louisiana whore house carries a pearl handled revolver"
    - General George Smith Patton Jr.

  8. #8


    Quote by SHEMP H View Post
    IMHO, it's all about power and control!!!
    I'm not sure it is, its politicians banning iconography thereby deflecting the problem to law enforcement to manage, instead of them taking responsibility for challenging the ideology.

    Banning stuff doesn't scratch the surface, it can be argued that it strengths whatever belief system they're trying to erode. Its the flip side of 'popular' politics that feeds the people waiting to fill the vacuum.

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