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Burn Test Results? And how to on items that have no rips or loose threads?

Article about: So lately I've been going through my collection of fabric items and looking for loose threads and rips to burn test em. (WW2 TR era items) Now from what I gather... black smoke and a thick b

  1. #1

    Default Burn Test Results? And how to on items that have no rips or loose threads?

    So lately I've been going through my collection of fabric items and looking for loose threads and rips to burn test em. (WW2 TR era items)
    Now from what I gather... black smoke and a thick black wad at the end = bad aka fake?
    White smoke with ash that can be blown away = good aka authentic?

    What about white smoke with ash that can't be blown away but leaves ash marks on your fingers?

    Lastly how do you go about burn testing an item that has no rips or loose threads on them? Should I nip a piece off and test it or leave it alone?

    All these questions are about items which I don't intend to sell but put in a display room btw.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Burn Test Results? And how to on items that have no rips or loose threads?

    Please see here:

    Fabric Identification - Cotton, Wool, Linen, Hemp, Rayon, Polyester, Acrylic, Nylon.

    Don't go snipping bits off.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Burn Test Results? And how to on items that have no rips or loose threads?

    Quote by Lucia View Post
    Lastly how do you go about burn testing an item that has no rips or loose threads on them? Should I nip a piece off and test it or leave it alone?
    Leave it alone!
    Follow Ade's advice - if you don't have any loose threads, please don't go making any!

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  4. #4

    Default Re: Burn Test Results? And how to on items that have no rips or loose threads?

    you could always post pictures of your questionable cloth items and have them authenticated by the great folks here at this forum : )

  5. #5

    Default Re: Burn Test Results? And how to on items that have no rips or loose threads?

    Thanks for the link. Very imformative. I've posted a few of my items I questioned since I did find one that was a fake recently and wanted to make sure the rest were ok. But I wanted some trial and hopefully no error on the burn test process hehe


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