Hello folks.
Was doing my usual internet browsing this evening and stumbled across this site; Time Militaria: Time Militaria
Many of the items listed for sale look legit, including a few I may be tempted to spend some of my hard earned money on come the next payday. I am wondering if anyone on this forum has had experience with this seller, and if they'd recommend them. I understand that dealers with good reputations don't get them by being dishonest and selling shoddy merchandise. I also understand that there must be literally thousands of dealer sites out there, with new ones popping up every day.
Most of their items seem to be common, relatively low cost pieces. No Knights Crosses or SS stuff to be seen. A more humble dealer, it seems. With very reasonable prices. But, as with everything in this hobby, I cannot help feel skeptical. I've come to learn that if it's too good to be true, it usually is.
Below, a selection of pieces for sale. (These are among the highest-priced items I could find)
So, folks of WRF, 'yay' or 'nay?'
Regards, B.B.