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Ebay withdraws holocaust items

Article about: Not sure if this has been posted yet. BBC News - EBay removes Holocaust memorabilia listings My wife is of Jewish parentage on her fathers side and she sees no problem with this type of mate

  1. #11


    You wouldn't believe the amont of sales that Flea-bay has removed from me for silly reasons. Very frustrating, especially when it was on for a week, and I was getting some good bids on a item, and in the last hour it gets blocked or removed. And Im not talking about illegal stuff or anything, but sometimes its just the way something is defined in the add.
    Was trying to sell a French fire man helmet last month that I picked up at a car boot sale. After a couple of days ebay decided to remove the add because you are (apparently) not aloud to sell pieces of uniform of the fire brigade or police. Strange as at the same time similar helmets were being sold on ebay. It turned out I didn't mention in the add it was an old helmet, and they didn't use a model like that anymore.
    I think (cant proove it though) that some buyers just report an item and after ebay removes them, without even checking there is something wrong with the add, they contact you to place a bid. Happend to me a few times, adds removed for no reason and recieving mails if it was still for sale.

  2. #12


    I had this harmless cartoon print removed from ebay because someone complained that the dog worked for the SS security services or Sicherheitsdienst. How in the hell did they reach that conclusion...????

    'I do not think we can hope for any better thing now.
    We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker of course, and the end cannot be far.
    It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. R. SCOTT.
    Last Entry - For God's sake look after our people.'

    In memory of Capt. Robert Falcon Scott, Edward Wilson, Henry Bowers, Lawrence Oates and Edgar Evans. South Pole Expedition, 30th March 1912.

  3. #13


    Surely that is a fake SD ID?


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  4. #14


    in my opinion i think holocaust items are the same as any other type of historical collecting.
    Its part of history that should not be forgotten.
    As long as it goes to someone who appreciates its historical value and does not collect it for stupid reasons then its fine.

  5. #15


    Jerry, sounds like you married an intelligent lady - kudos.

    On a lesser note; odd, that they (article in link) call the items 'memorabilia,' but that might just be me.

  6. #16


    Quote by Scout View Post
    Jerry, sounds like you married an intelligent lady - kudos.
    Indeed mate she is, she has a PHD and used to be a Professor and currently is a senior lecturer at a university in Wales.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  7. #17


    Quote by Jerry B View Post
    Indeed Paul, not something I would collect, but in the same way as people like to buy bullet holed relic helmets or WWI Death Plaques, or whatever it is, we are collecting items that many of them will have a dark history and as long as we collect and remember the history that goes with the items, it is probably not a bad thing. Who decides what is acceptable to collect and what is not is certainly not my decision and my wife would find such items an intimate connection to this dark past about which she is greatly interested and has a personal involvement with, bearing in mind she would have lost distant relations in the Holocaust.

    As long as collectors place the items in their proper historical perspective and do not glamourise their previous owners when they might have been involved in this dark past, then it is acceptable to collect such items as these and indeed from the SS in general or the Heer or whatever, even the Soviets or the Japanese, all of whom would have been involved in actions of a similar nature.

    My wife finds anything SS or with the Swaztika or even German helmets to be evocative of that dark period and finds them very disturbing, but she sees no problems with collectors of holocaust material as long as they understand its meaning and respect the sufferings of those on the wrong side of those dark days. Anyone who collects any such items and glorifies in them should not own them, but if they keep them as a reminder of those dark days and shows them the proper respect, then there is no problem in her eyes. Sorry but a lot of this is in my words and I have probably not expressed her feelings and thoughts as well as she would have.
    It´s my 1st "Like" given here.

    I do not want to give "Likes", because there´re too many outstanding posts here in the WRF and I cannot read all of them.

    I also give a damn on "Likes" for my own posts, because I only want to help other collectors mates, nothing more !

    Jerry, my "Like" in this thread is for your wife only !
    Respect !

    Best regards,


  8. #18


    Quote by Jerry B View Post
    Indeed mate she is, she has a PHD and used to be a Professor and currently is a senior lecturer at a university in Wales.
    Whether they be your or her own words, I like the gist of what she feels about the collecting side of it. I share many of her sentiments.

  9. #19


    Quote by daniel1234 View Post
    in my opinion i think holocaust items are the same as any other type of historical collecting.
    Its part of history that should not be forgotten.
    As long as it goes to someone who appreciates its historical value and does not collect it for stupid reasons then its fine.

    Let's not kid ourselves here, everything we collectors collect is collected for a stupid reason... and especially so to someone that doesn't collect

  10. #20


    Just watch television for abit, and you'll soon know what they think of Any collectors of Anything. You always see collectors ridiculed, mocked and sneered at-whether it's nostalgic items like 1930's comic books or militaria. Everyone who does so is weird,goony and stupidly childish according to the genius's with their texting devices stuck on the ends of their noses and twiddling their thumbs inanely at it for hours on end. It's a strangely sad thing to see families sitting at tables in restaurants not saying a single word to each other but pecking industriously away at their little hand held devices.

    Like the above opinions, I, too, can see no glaring reason to not collect a controversial subject's relics, but to do so for the insane purpose of glorifying and admiring the perpetrators of the aforesaid crimes is simply unacceptable. And, yes, my wife is also Jewish and she also has no emotional horror at someone owning something like a Holocaust patch. I've never agreed with the oft-stated concept that all relics belong Only in museums. Privately owned items, in my opinion, help the memories and knowledge of the occurrences reach and stay With the people. Very few people collect something that they have never read about or learned anything concerning it. Seeing something in a museum's glass case is fine, but to actually Hold a historic object in your hand is a whole different thing again. For me, at least, it brings History to the People where it will Be remembered and known. As it Should be.

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

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