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Family v Forum?

Article about: Lately the Forum has become quite a desolate place for me…”New Posts” appeared to decline…and I know I don’t collect popular stuff…but it just seemed like a place where even Tumbleweed didn’

  1. #1

    Default Family v Forum?

    Lately the Forum has become quite a desolate place for me…”New Posts” appeared to decline…and I know I don’t collect popular stuff…but it just seemed like a place where even Tumbleweed didn’t stop.

    But all of a sudden there’s LOADS of posts…and some of them are even interesting! :-)

    This is a time-of-year thing right?....the time of year when families come together…when Mums and Dads are in the house at the same time….when long lost family suddenly get in touch (and possibly even turn up!)…when everyone’s not working as much as they have been……and are we getting into the spirit?....are we sharing ourselves with all those people who’ve missed us all year long? ….Nope, we’re sending messages to a bunch of other saddos who’re doing the same!

    Look up from your phones……use that keyboard to send someone your best wishes for Christmas….slam that laptop closed…….as the great prophet Holder once screamed….IT’S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!

    ...and yes, I know that some folk don't have any family.......

  2. #2


    There are some here who I consider family!
    So for your wish to send someone Best wished for Christmas,
    Merry Christmas Ade!

    Semper Fi

  3. #3
    MAP is offline



    Well... while I don't think it's been desolate or as bad as you note I agree. Family time is the most important thing. Well said. (Although just remember, some people flock to the keyboards to get away from certain relatives LoL)

    Phil: Yes! Yes! Have fun opening your Xmas gifts!
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  4. #4


    ...a nice thought Phil.....but I sincerely hope they don’t all turn up on Boxing Day! :-)

  5. #5


    Merry Xmas Ade Mate Hope it snows up there Mate

  6. #6


    Chucking in this Ade nearly have two sets, missing three! + Mo & Rocky.
    Ahh I'll shut the bugger up!

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