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Happy VE Day or Victory Day! День Победы

Article about: Today is the 64th anniversary of VE Day or "Victory in Europe Day". In Europe and the USA we commemorate it today, but in Russia it is celebrated on May 9th as Victory Day or h

  1. #1

    Default Happy VE Day or Victory Day! День Победы

    Today is the 64th anniversary of VE Day or "Victory in Europe Day". In Europe and the USA we commemorate it today, but in Russia it is celebrated on May 9th as Victory Day or День Победы.

    Many of our Russian members will know this song День Победы. Here is the Red Army Choir singing it:

    YouTube - Russian Red Army Choir -Victory Day (Dyen' Pobyedy)

    So raise your glass today and toast the Vets who gave us Victory! I will be spending this evening in the company of some Vets.

    Cheers, Ade.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Happy VE Day or Victory Day! День Победы

    Yes, celebrate Victory Day!

    Let no one forget, let nothing be forgotten!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3

    Default Re: Happy VE Day or Victory Day! День Победы

    I`d like to join you in that toast Ade........cheers !


  4. #4

    Default Re: Happy VE Day or Victory Day! День Победы

    Cheers to all who fought and died!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Happy VE Day or Victory Day! День Победы

    Just been having final exams as school is almost over. I haven't bought anything recently but a yearly military show is next weekend so I plan to look for more Soviet medals!

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