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Having splurged for an authentic officer’s Allgemeine tunic from a reputable dealer does anyone believe these tunics are still a good investment?

Article about: I had up to now a small collection of NSDAP tunics some nice choice double decal Helmets and some nice choice SS dress daggers and only one Allgemeine EM tunic which is 100% as it was a vete

  1. #1

    Default Having splurged for an authentic officer’s Allgemeine tunic from a reputable dealer does anyone believe these tunics are still a good investment?

    I had up to now a small collection of NSDAP tunics some nice choice double decal Helmets and some nice choice SS dress daggers and only one Allgemeine EM tunic which is 100% as it was a veteran pick up who I bought from in the United States some years back. I’m from the UK. I started collecting SS daggers to make a nice display in my spare room. I’ve always felt that one Allgemeine tunic looks lonely on the mannequin so I saw a beautiful Allgemeine SD offices tunic which I couldn’t resist and decided to buy! Again this tunic is good and the Dealer is trustworthy (I think I may be developing an addiction to Allgemeine)
    But as it says at the top of my thread, are these items really investments these days? Before anybody crucifies me, I am a collector and I love these things more than I love anything on this planet other than my cats I work very hard running my own business. I don’t drink smoke or do much else other than work. All my money goes on this fantastic hobby, which is my life and I love it, so even if, these items just kept their value. I would be happy. I’m just putting the question out there really.
    Anyone care to give me their thoughts? BTW I think this is my first post since I joined so be gentle with me as I know there’s a lot of really bright and knowledgeable people on here who been collecting for years!
    PS, I’m keeping the tunic whatever people say!

  2. #2


    From my point of view, I buy items for my collection because I like them, but not as an investment, if I zero in, on a particular item, whatever the price, it's more for my satisfaction, rather than an investment, just my thoughts !

  3. #3


    It's hobby first, but later in retirement days they are investment when you get 10+ years "interest rate" to it.

    I also splurge all in when I find X item which doesnt appear for sale for years. It's opportunity to buy chance.

    I love! my Finn tunics & coats I have. But I also keep book for my purchases; item, bought year, history, and value. So I would never accidentally undersell or forgot niche things in my items.

  4. #4


    The SS market is through the roof and I see no end in site. It's not just SS it's everything. Have you seen the price on a basic Luftwaffe helmet lately? Just in the last 3-4 years I've seen items double in price making it harder to collect. I collect SS headgear for the pure joy of the hunt and the satisfaction of knowing I did my research well. That being said I'm confident that If I ever need to sell my collection the return will certainly be in my favor. These discussions of the militaria market trend have been going on forever and they always seem to end with the same outcome. Up Up Up.... I'm always bemoaning the price gouging but I have yet to step away from the table. Good Luck and happy collecting

    SS market, very dead.
    Regards, Al

  5. #5


    That's true Aldo...

    If you want to sell your SS VT visor one day, I will be always here ...

  6. #6


    Quote by Herman77 View Post
    I had up to now a small collection of NSDAP tunics some nice choice double decal Helmets and some nice choice SS dress daggers and only one Allgemeine EM tunic which is 100% as it was a veteran pick up who I bought from in the United States some years back. I’m from the UK. I started collecting SS daggers to make a nice display in my spare room. I’ve always felt that one Allgemeine tunic looks lonely on the mannequin so I saw a beautiful Allgemeine SD offices tunic which I couldn’t resist and decided to buy! Again this tunic is good and the Dealer is trustworthy (I think I may be developing an addiction to Allgemeine)
    But as it says at the top of my thread, are these items really investments these days? Before anybody crucifies me, I am a collector and I love these things more than I love anything on this planet other than my cats I work very hard running my own business. I don’t drink smoke or do much else other than work. All my money goes on this fantastic hobby, which is my life and I love it, so even if, these items just kept their value. I would be happy. I’m just putting the question out there really.
    Anyone care to give me their thoughts? BTW I think this is my first post since I joined so be gentle with me as I know there’s a lot of really bright and knowledgeable people on here who been collecting for years!
    PS, I’m keeping the tunic whatever people say!������
    Would love to see your tunic, if you ever feel inclined to post it here.

  7. #7


    Would be interesting to see your collection, as you have mentioned

  8. #8


    Quote by Aldo View Post
    The SS market is through the roof and I see no end in site. It's not just SS it's everything. Have you seen the price on a basic Luftwaffe helmet lately? Just in the last 3-4 years I've seen items double in price making it harder to collect. I collect SS headgear for the pure joy of the hunt and the satisfaction of knowing I did my research well. That being said I'm confident that If I ever need to sell my collection the return will certainly be in my favor. These discussions of the militaria market trend have been going on forever and they always seem to end with the same outcome. Up Up Up.... I'm always bemoaning the price gouging but I have yet to step away from the table. Good Luck and happy collecting

    SS market, very dead.
    I hear you Al,I was at the Forks of the Deleware show early this afternoon and looked at a few LW and Heer helmets and what I saw for the outrageous prices almost knocked me over, (ripped up liners, no liners,missing rivets and on and on) these helmets were GARBAGE!. I understand that one mans junk is another mans treasure but trash is trash.

    "Only a pimp in a cheap Louisiana whore house carries a pearl handled revolver"
    - General George Smith Patton Jr.

  9. #9


    I collect because I have an interest in history and I like to have these items in hand rather than just look at them in a book or online. I have no intention on selling these items but that being said I'd hate to buy an item only for it to not retain its value. Living in Australia my third reich items are now legally worthless due to a recent law making it illegal to sell/buy/trade anything with a swastika on it.

  10. #10


    Thread moved to discussion forum until any related photos can be posted and will move it back to the SS Uniform forum.

    Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

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