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Hello! Me new!

Article about: Hello! Me new at this forum! About myselft I collect WW2 items near 10years. Thanks

  1. #1

    Smile Hello! Me new!

    Me new at this forum!
    About myselft
    I collect WW2 items near 10years.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Hi me new, welcome to the forum do you have a name?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Sorry, forgt.
    My name is Olzhas.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Hi Olzhas

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Hi Olzhas, welcome to the forum!

    What items do you collect? German or Soviet?

    Cheers, Ade.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Hi Ben!
    Hi Ade!
    I collect German WW2 items and medals.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Hello Olzhas!

    Do you find lots of items for your collection where you live in Kazakstan? Or, do you buy items for your collection from the internet? Hope to see some of your collection soon.
    All the best,

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Hi David!
    Yes, I live in Kazakstan.
    I can to buy items from veterans, but it very hard.
    Becouse many of veterans go to they home, to Germany.
    For me, to buy from internet more easy than search it in KZ(KZ= Kazakstan).
    Sorry, but now I cant to show You my collection.
    I have reconstruction at my flat...
    I promise, I will show it, but some later, when reconstruction will done.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    About 15 years ago I was lucky to visit Alma-Ata film studio, there was full warderobe untouched after the war with german uniforms ( firstly I 've seen the video 1980's era, where the young hooligans has make battle between themselfs, and one guy was wounded, he has worn german panzer tunic- instead of leather bikers jacket, they try to remove the jacket to help him and close the wound, and I've look to the liner - Oh my god!!! Original construction of liner etc) we are immediately go to Alma-ata, it was a time of USSR, and no any borders etc. As I know there still about 100 german overcoats, and a lot of german equipment in requizitory. Also a lot of Soviet stuff, M43's and german overcoats was just a junk and no one has interest about that stuff,
    and a lot of german equipment in requizitory. Now it's a hard to me to move my butt to long way. But I think this stuff is still present. Try, you are young!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hello! Me new!

    Hello Dimas!
    Very good that You was in our city!
    Now it not named Alma-Ata, now name of our city is Almaty.
    Sorry, I know what about You speak.
    Yes, this film studio is work now, but it private, not property of goverment.
    I'm 17 years old... me cant know to this.
    Sorry, can You say more about? Maybe You remember addrs or etc?
    It named Kazakfilm.
    Near 10 years ago, when I was very little, I remember in it was weapons shooting, they was have P08 Luger!
    But them, they was closed...
    Thank You.
    best regards,

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