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How destroy a tank

Article about: some ways are already known Molotov cocktail. the bomb dog. But ,you knew this? cocktail Molotov big brother. with a little practice you get to .... (Take the axe but do not forget the the S

  1. #1

    Default How destroy a tank

    some ways are already known

    adt2-.jpgMolotov cocktail.

    adt6.jpgthe bomb dog.

    But ,you knew this?

    adt2.jpgcocktail Molotov big brother.

    adt.jpgwith a little practice you get to .... (Take the axe but do not forget the
    adt1.jpgthe Stielhandgranate!!!)

    adt4.jpgwhen the mine explodes, lower your head.

    adt3.jpgIf all else fails, as the Italian manual says "Put a stick between the wheels" (some enemy will die laughing)

    adt3-.jpgor better as Japanese, put a bomb in the top of the stick.

    Some more sophisticated ways

    adt5.jpg Panzerfaust bird.


    adt5---.jpg Bazooka bird.

    you have any other out there?

  2. #2


    Wow!! That grenade fixed on the petrol can would make perfect fireworks if worked!

  3. #3


    A jerry can full of fuel? I reckon i could throw that about 2 feet!

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