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Insurance in UK

Article about: My collection is insured via the Household contents as stated by Tony but a couple of the high end and value items such as my RK are insured seperately as a named item !!

  1. #1

    Default Insurance in UK

    Hey everyone,

    I'm looking at insurance for my collection. I currently have a generic policy with my bank but im after something more specialized where i can individually list my items and submit current prices.

    Any suggestions would be great.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Insurance in UK

    In UK, i don't know, but in France, we must proove with bills. Very hard to have bills from friends!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Insurance in UK

    Quote by lebus12 View Post
    In UK, i don't know, but in France, we must proove with bills. Very hard to have bills from friends!
    Just being nosey, How does this work with the inflation of prices and therefore value?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Insurance in UK

    Quote by lebus12 View Post
    In UK, i don't know, but in France, we must proove with bills. Very hard to have bills from friends!
    The same with car boot sales, flea markets and most antique shops. You might need to get your collection valued somehow, though not sure how you do that.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Insurance in UK

    In Denmark we do not need bills. For this the purpose photo documentation is used, which also is a better proof that you actually have the items in your possession. Bills you can falsify, which is harder to do with actual items. It have to be clear that the pics are taken in your home. In Denmark there are special rules for collections, meaning your collection will not be covered by your normal insurance. I will advice you to check up on your own insurance company/bank about this.

    Regards, Lars

  6. #6

    Default Re: Insurance in UK

  7. #7

    Default Re: Insurance in UK


    I used to work in the insurance business for a few years (too many) so the best way to do it cheaply is as follows in my opinion.
    The insurance for my collection is with my home insurer as part of the contents policy for all the other junk in the house. I have it specified on the schedule as "collection of german caps" value £xxxxxx. This will increase your premium but not to the same level as if you went to a specialist insurer. The same way you may put jewellry or cycles etc on a contents policy.

    Also your valuation of the kit will suffice as the insurer takes you at face value and utmost good faith in what you are saying. The problem only comes when you need to claim and prove you had the stuff. So you need to catelogue the gear and take photos you do not necessarily need proof of purchase for items.

    Any help ?


  8. #8

    Default Re: Insurance in UK

    I ' am ok colleague, now I left my Insurance cy where I worked!.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Insurance in UK


    I used to work in the insurance business for a few years (too many) so the best way to do it cheaply is as follows in my opinion.
    The insurance for my collection is with my home insurer as part of the contents policy for all the other junk in the house. I have it specified on the schedule as "collection of german caps" value £xxxxxx. This will increase your premium but not to the same level as if you went to a specialist insurer. The same way you may put jewellry or cycles etc on a contents policy.

    Also your valuation of the kit will suffice as the insurer takes you at face value and utmost good faith in what you are saying. The problem only comes when you need to claim and prove you had the stuff. So you need to catelogue the gear and take photos you do not necessarily need proof of purchase for items.

    Any help ?"


    That's interesting Tony, but should there be a claim, would the Insurance company cheerfully pay out on say, two caps that to the uninitiated look very similar, one you have valued at £50.00 and one you have valued at £550.00.
    My point is, would a general insurance company know the difference and pay out? Would they have valuers able to confirm you are correct in your valuation?

    Best Regards,


  10. #10

    Default Re: Insurance in UK

    In answer to the OP, I have gone as far to download a proposal form from there people, so I cannot personally recommend them, but it's one to check out.



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