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Interesting article ( a bit dated) on TR Sales in the US

Article about: I didn't know where to post this. It clearly has a bent towards buying and selling TR items as wrong on a number of levels. I do like Craig Gottlieb's basic argument even if he is as crooked

  1. #1

    Default Interesting article ( a bit dated) on TR Sales in the US

    I didn't know where to post this. It clearly has a bent towards buying and selling TR items as wrong on a number of levels. I do like Craig Gottlieb's basic argument even if he is as crooked as a barrel of snakes. however it is very clear the writer wanted to make this a huge negative activity.

    Consumers argue ethics of selling Nazi items | The Columbus Dispatch

    I am not trying to stir the pot or launch an epic debate, just wanted to share especial for the newbies that a majority of public is under informed about the hobby and because of that that they jump to conclusions due to just the basic symbolism of the items.

    This translates into nearly zero protection by the law or other citizens about fraud, chicanery and shenanigans perpetrated by unscrupulous dealers and rip off artists of every size, shape, nationality and tax bracket.

    Its sad but if your looking to buy a 20$ tinnie or eva brauns soiled undergarments places like the forum are your best bet to not get burned.

    Couple with the fact that most people don't understand our hobby when we get burned their reactions are in the vein of " they deserved to get ripped off"

    Be careful out there-

    I think I drank to much coffee this morning.
    Bryan "Ned" Kelly

  2. #2


    And so it is all around the world, The other day in "The Sun" a british daily scandal sheet, a young lad went fishing in a river in Somerset with a large magnet & dragged up a haul of rusty weapons that had apparently been dumped by the I.R.A. back in 2001, There was an M16 ,AK47 , .50 calibre Browning & amongst this haul was an MG42, Not any old MG42 but a NAZI MG42 . By the cops own admission ,they were only parts of 40 odd guns in extremely rusted condition but were to be destroyed , The MG42 was probably an MG53 anyway but the paper had to get the Nazi bit in. Cheers Paul

  3. #3


    Gottlieb and ethics, now there is an oxymoron. The article expresses the same old diatribe of the "anti" anything crowd, be it war memorabilia, firearms, old "racist" or "sexist" advertising, ect. If someone collects an item or collects in a particular area of historical significance, then it's their personal business and no one else's. If they also espouse a particular political philosophy, then it's fair game for public criticism (IMO). Otherwise, it's just the same old crap and about people trying force their particular opinion or set of morals or ethics on the masses.

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