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John Grix BEM aged 15

Article about: I hope this a reasonable to post this information about John Grix 15 year old Civil Defence messenger awarded the British Empire Medal for his services during bombing raids on Norwich. From

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    Default John Grix BEM aged 15

    I hope this a reasonable to post this information about John Grix 15 year old Civil Defence messenger awarded the British Empire Medal for his services during bombing raids on Norwich.

    From this newspaper article in the Eastern Daily Press.

    15-year-old Norwich boy, John Grix, awarded the British Empire Medal after WW2 | Eastern Daily Press

    "His name was John Grix and at the height of the Baedeker Raids which caused death and destruction on a terrifying scale he was racing around the city on his cycle delivering vital messages.

    Time and time again he was blown off his bike as the bombs dropped and the city exploded but he climbed back on and continued his work.

    Once while lying on the ground, a garage exploded nearby sending cars into the air... this was the last week of April 1942 when the Luftwaffe set the city ablaze.

    Many heroes emerged from the smoke and ruins but surely the youngest was the boy John, who told the authorities he was 16 so he could become a messenger when he was in fact 15."
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