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Korean War Battle flag

Article about: Hi, I went to our local military auction yesterday, it is only on every three months some great pieces there, one piece i was very impressed with was a French F/S, knife ( FSFK76 ) used by t

  1. #1

    Default Korean War Battle flag

    I went to our local military auction yesterday, it is only on every three months some great pieces there, one piece i was very impressed with was a French F/S, knife ( FSFK76 ) used by the French resistance. It went for £155, i would have loved that one but didnt get it. I came away with a bayonet for my friend and a Korean war Battle flag, ( the forgotten war ) It is a vet bring back not bad for the year. It has five normal size bullet holes and one
    a little bit larger, also marked in the korean language and marked 1953. just something different.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Korean War Battle flag

    very nice mate not something you really see alot of

  3. #3

    Default Re: Korean War Battle flag

    Looks like it is a Soviet made naval courtesy flag.

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