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Life After Mum?

Article about: It's nearly nine months now since Mum has passed and it's been very quiet with Hospital check ups and Doctors and the like. Still got problems from the blood clot in my leg, more CT scans. H

  1. #1

    Default Life After Mum?

    It's nearly nine months now since Mum has passed and it's been very quiet with Hospital check ups and Doctors and the like.

    Miss Mum so much, think of her every day.

    Still got problems from the blood clot in my leg, more CT scans. Huge wake up call.

    Really taking the advice from the Medical staff and Counselling due to working 33+ years of doing night shift.

    I can't sleep, keep waking up through the night, headaches and the occasional migraine..

    Got to re-train my body to re-adapt to being alive during normal hours of the day..

    Hypnosis is next I do believe, god knows what that will do?

    Cleared just about all my military history stuff out now, bought nowt for ages, nothing left after a bit of a spring clean.

    Glad to have the space and I'm sure the auctioneers have done well, (Cheers Ade), but it's time to move on now.

    When I was a kid all those years ago, my Granddad (who used to be a warden during the May blitz) used to take me out and about Liverpool, mainly the Docks and City centre and showed me where all the devastation occurred.
    It was he who showed me his warden helmet and other bits of gear he had, that's where I got the collecting bug, but it's time to move onto something else now. Most of the places have been forgotten about, lost in time.

    Love reading about JFK and the Beatles, also enjoy walking around the old places where they started on their famous journey.

    I went to the same school as Harrison and was baptised in the same church as him, had no choice with that.

    My Nan and Mum, being from the area where Lennon and Harrison where brought up, knew a lot more locally about them, especially my Nan. Cynthia and John had a flat just up the road from where I used to play as a kid, Garmoyle Road, went there a couple of weeks ago.

    Quite interesting, went to the place it all began in Woolton, St. Peter's Church where Lennon was pictured on stage at the back.

    St Peter% - Wikipedia ... _Liverpool

    So, trying to get my health back and doing lots of walking/swimming, loved collecting WW1/2 stuff but time moves on..

    Here's one for you?

    Peter Best was never "sacked".. so what happened?

  2. #2


    I feel your pain. After my dad passed away years ago i felt numb for a long time. I still feel sorrow when I visit his grave. Sometimes life gives us a bloody good kicking in the stomach, but you just got to move on somehow. Just my sense of things. Bye the way, try to check out an interview done with Peter Best in Psychotronic Video #32. It was done in 1994. And yes, Peter Best was sacked!
    Take care, my friend.

  3. #3


    Sorry to hear about your health problems but glad you are on the right track to gaining it back so onwards and upwards .I do love a bit of local history and i love Liverpool trying to visit as often as i can from over here in North Wales ,nice to read about your family links to the Beatles who were such a great band and also individually after they split such a talented bunch ,was listening to Here Comes The Sun this morning such a simple but great tune from Harrison
    My own family link to Liverpool hails from my dads side as my great grandmother lived on Scottie road
    Wishing you a speedy recovery

  4. #4


    Very sorry to hear about the passing of your mother and associated health issues. Sounds like after all of what has transpired over the years, you now need to take time for yourself. To rebuild and move forward on your journey.
    Sounds like a tough road but you got this! One step in front of the other….i think the exercise will be very beneficial for both body and mind and there’s no doubting it helps to release those feel good endorphins. At one point I was walking around with a 37 cam blood clot in my left leg and the Dr’s said it was fine to keep exercising. Even doing squats at the gym with it! Just follow their advice and it will all work out.

    I’m also a fan of the Beatles (particularly John), so you are very lucky to be able to walk in their very footsteps. I saw a YouTube clip recently where someone walked from John’s home in Menlove avenue to the former site of the Strawberry Fields children’s home. Was surprised how close it was to John’s home. As for Pete Best, I’ve read a few versions saying they others were worried he would get all of the girls as he was the best looking, to Ringo was a better drummer. It’s been a while since I read anything from that period but I seem to recall Pete was sacked but can’t remember if it was official or they just didn’t let him know when the next gig was on!?

    Take care,

  5. #5


    Sorry for your loss. I am hoping you are doing better and can heal. Tough stuff to lose our parents. We are in the process of watching my Mom be taken by Alzheimer’s. I cling to every memory and every moment we have left with her. My heart hurts for you and I am feeling that day that comes will be difficult.
    "It's not whether you get knocked down...It's whether you get up"

    My Collection:

  6. #6


    Healing comes through prayers from yourself and also others who know what you are enduring.
    IMO i dont feel Hypnosis is the answer and we have built in inner strengths that helps us continue on.
    Life itself is challenging...and where there are downfalls we pick ourselves back up and move forward.

    What has been stated above by the other members is so true and your work in caring for your Mum is not forgotten...and all of us who has the loss of loved ones after a long caring journey to care for does take a toll on ones heart and mental state.
    Pray to God My brother and a peace will come upon you and you will not be alone all of us here are walking along side of you because we know where we have been and the way we are going.

    We are with you Brother


    Your sacrifice that you gave in full love ....a reward is waiting for you in heaven.

    Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  7. #7


    Best Militaria Forum In the World. Even better moderators and members exist here.

    "It's not whether you get knocked down...It's whether you get up"

    My Collection:

  8. #8
    MAP is offline


    Sorry for your loss and situation. As Andy said, one step at a time and keep a forward looking positive attitude.

    While the collection may have been sold off...that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy our hobby. It's not what we own but the enjoyment we get from looking, learning, listening and helping others with our knowledge that is the true joy of this hobby.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  9. #9


    Thanks lads, it does mean a lot, just come back from the swimming baths and a bit of a walk. Nice and clean...

    As a carer for Mum for over six years, watching her deteriorate slowly was and has had a huge impact on my life/health.

    A friend is going through the exact process as I went through, he's on his knees.

    I've stopped collecting a while ago, but still love the Museums and airshows when I can get to them.

    As I've said, there's quite a lot of Beatles stuff very near to me and where I grew up, Penny Lane is not far away.

    As for Pete Best? he wasn't sacked!

    Brian Epstein worked the head on him, well and truely, 16th August 1964.

    After seeking advice, he calls in Pete to Nems (Epstein's offices where here) and informs him the "lads want you out and Ringo in".

    As the Beatles had hired Epstein to manage them, his fee was 20%, Brian did not have the authority to sack him.

    A employee can't sack a boss.. the Beatles had had a partnership agreement made, Lennon/McCartney/Harrison and Best.

    By telling Pete the lads didn't want him anymore (horrible but true) Pete walked out... not realising what he was doing.

    By having this partnership, he could have sued the other three and especially Epstein, claiming 25% of the group future rights.

    But he walked, went to the Grapes pub to drown his sorrows, he was asked by Epstein to do the remaining couple of concerts and he said yes, not thinking what he had done.

    I think there was a gig coming up in Chester, and quite obviously he wasn't going to do that, so by not turning up, he effectively walked out.

    Epstein later asked him to join another band which he did, only then after advice, he wanted to sue the other lads, but he had walked out.

    Epstein's job was to find work for the four lads in the agreement and he found work for Best with another merseyside group.

    Job done.

    Pete didn't have a leg to stand on, by not turning up, Epstein had him by the short and curlies. He'd been well and truely had.

    It was claimed Ringo had been approached first for the job, he wasn't, two other merseyside drummers where asked before him.

    Johnny "Hutch" Hutchinson was asked to fill in for the weeks gigs and was asked by Epstein to be the Beatles "new" drummer.

    He turned them down, he was already in a band called the Big Three, and he didn't rate the Beatles.

    Others that were asked before Ringo were Norman Chapman and Ritchie Galvin, both really good merseyside drummers.

  10. #10


    Sorry to hear your news, on both accounts, stick in there mate, time is a healer & it'll take a little time to adjust/retrain your body clock 35 years is a long time, keep up the daily walks, a reset for your body, the best things are the simple things...& such an upbeat band... onwards & upwards mate

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