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manchester derby

Article about: well fingers crossed manchester city beat utd tomorrow i bet theres a few liverpool supporters going to be cheering city on aswell eh Ronnie

  1. #1

    Default manchester derby

    well fingers crossed manchester city beat utd tomorrow i bet theres a few liverpool supporters going to be cheering city on aswell eh Ronnie

  2. #2

    Default Re: manchester derby

    Rather City than Utd! The "Enemy" (mrs) is from Rochdale. So that has to be my "northern" team. Stewy S

  3. #3

    Default Re: manchester derby

    I heard you played scrum-half,for a Subbuteo rugby team Phil.Stewy S

  4. #4

    Default Re: manchester derby

    I thought rugby was just a game full of knuckle headed blokes with odd shaped balls

  5. #5

    Default Re: manchester derby

    Quote by PHILBROWN View Post
    yeah 2 games, but got injured, they were too big
    Ronnie Corbett's starting a veterans team,give him a ring. Stewy S

  6. #6

    Default Re: manchester derby

    Quote by PHILBROWN View Post
    why do we go from football to rugby,,,,,,, then to my height? im 5 foot 10 you know, and leave my dad ron out of this
    I told you i'm heightist. Stewy S

  7. #7

    Default Re: manchester derby

    Quote by sscrooge View Post
    well fingers crossed manchester city beat utd tomorrow i bet theres a few liverpool supporters going to be cheering city on aswell eh Ronnie
    If it's me you mean Dave YES but i am a blue's fan as in everton
    cheer's Ronnie

  8. #8

    Default Re: manchester derby

    Yep,come on City.We did them home and away last season,so no reason why we can't get a good result tomorrow.

  9. #9

    Default Re: manchester derby

    sorry Ronnie didnt realise you we both liked the colour blue well i will be out for the day tomorrow hopefully

  10. #10

    Default Re: manchester derby

    Have a good 1 m8 best of luck to the blue boy's

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