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Memorial Day

Article about: A special thanks to our Past and Present soldiers men and women to have served and continue to serve our own countries in their fight for which I am grateful not to live under th

  1. #1

    Default Memorial Day

    A special thanks to our Past and Present soldiers men and women to have served and continue to serve our own countries in their fight for which I am grateful not to live under the suppression of a dicatorship. I thank you for the freedoms I have and continue to enjoy.
    Today especially thank a Vet who has and still is serving,,and always remember the days after when we see them to give thanks to them and in prayer if we dont have the opportunity to say it to them personally. Thanks once again!! God Bless you!!
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  2. #2

    Default Re: Memorial Day

    Thanks Larry!! I was just checking to make sure somebody put something up for my Fellow Brothers who have fallen Before , During and After my Service.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Memorial Day

    IMG_20130527_160553_930.jpg I m fortunate enough to have a job that allows me interaction w vets retuning home from the wars on terror I m blessed to be part of helping them have some return to normalcy these are pieces left to me by them. I feel they've given enough! To all they've done to those who didn't make it home! I enjoy my freedoms because of your sacrifice! My undying thanks to those that have served GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

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