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Militaria dealer..

Article about: by Paul E ...try buying from some of the Russian guys !! Yeah, I've noticed their prices lately mate... outrageous!

  1. #1

    Default Militaria dealer..

    Hi all. I've just found a militaria dealer that I've never heard of before... Wharton Militaria

    Has anyone ever had any dealings with these guys? They've got loads of stuff, but the phrase "too good to be true" springs to mind. They seem very expensive too.

    Militaria - Collectable militaria WW1 & WW2 Wartime

  2. #2

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    mixed messages on one hand very expensive on the other got some nice stuff


  3. #3

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    I've had a look at some of his stuff in the past. He was once selling a Spanish copy of the Mauser C96 at a rediculously high price. He had it advertised as actually being a German-made C96 Spanish contract. I told him it was actually a Spanish-made 'Royal' pistol, but he didn't want to know. I have no idea if he eventually moved it on.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    Gentlemen, as Harry states...ridiculously high prices, has some nice stuff though and some crap, see his £800 converted 2nd class KC ! because of his prices I have never dealt with him.
    Prost ! Steve.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    I've just had another look on his website - the first time for nearly a year, and I see he still has the 'Royal' for sale. The last time I looked it was over £700. He still has it down as a Mauser though. I might email him again about it. He either knows nothing about weapons, or he is hoping some mug out there doesn't either. I had a look at his Starr pistol as well. Just short of £2,500! I really don't know where he get's some of his prices from.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    just checked again because of steve and harry and i see he has a GPMG why, how and who deactivated a gpmg is a damn big question we need them .
    deactivate an sa80 cos they are crap but a gpmg that is just stupid imo of course


  7. #7

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    Just checked out the German buckles, half of them are a piece of crap, lots of fakes

  8. #8

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    A few original items, a few fakes, most of which are excessively over priced. Know what you're buying and don't over pay but my advice would be to steer well clear. There are plenty of the same things offered by reputable dealers and collectors at lower prices.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  9. #9

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    Quote by talltom View Post
    just checked again because of steve and harry and i see he has a GPMG why, how and who deactivated a gpmg is a damn big question we need them .
    deactivate an sa80 cos they are crap but a gpmg that is just stupid imo of course


    Its not just any Jimpy he's claiming to have in/due in, he's claiming its an SF kit. Weapon and tripod at least. (Bet it's NOT got a proper RMP with it though! LOL)
    I'd love to know how much he's going to be asking for that little set-up, especially as he's showing a 58ptn Browning pistol holster for the "give-away" price of £65 GBP!!

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

    PS: For those who don't know, the RMP in this case is the Rear Mounting Pin - without it, you cannot mount the GPMG to the tripod safely and fire it!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Militaria dealer..

    lol jimpy you should see what sort of random shit we ram in there if we lose the RMP


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