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Nazi hunters?

Article about: Hello, Today on RTE2 was a show called nazi hunters. I didint like it. if you saw it what did you think? its on again some time. cheers -Patrick

  1. #1

    Default Nazi hunters?

    Today on RTE2 was a show called nazi hunters.
    I didint like it.
    if you saw it what did you think?
    its on again some time.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    I think I watched a show with that title once. I though that it was pretty good, although I am unsure as to whether or not all of the information is accurate.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    it was about auschwitz and the doctor who did horrible things to twins. but the guy who was speaking during the show had a voice that annoyed me. But thats just me.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    I like this series very much.
    There are several episodes, my favourite one is " The butcher of lyon"

  5. #5

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    i dont know, it might of just have been me :/

  6. #6

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    Quote by HistoryIsMe View Post
    it was about auschwitz and the doctor who did horrible things to twins. but the guy who was speaking during the show had a voice that annoyed me. But thats just me.
    Doctor mengele? Great episode.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    Iv seen a few episodes of this show, i like it very much and have seen the butcher of lyon, and the Mengele one. It shows how the horror was given out by these monsters, i dont care how old they are they still need hanging.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    i have only seen one of the show. he was a monster and it was sad when the old woman was talking about her and her sister.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Nazi hunters?

    The BBC made a similar programme that documented the final solution focussing on Aushwitz. You should be able to view it in parts. Called Aushwitz the final solution. Well worth a look and is available on you tube.

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