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New Member

Article about: Hello guys, I would like to introduce our new member PatriotNC1. He is a very good friend of mine and from the US. I know you will give him a good welcome as always here on WRF I will send h

  1. #1

    Default New Member

    Hello guys,

    I would like to introduce our new member PatriotNC1. He is a very good friend of mine and from the US. I know you will give him a good welcome as always here on WRF

    I will send him a link to this thread of course.

    Regards, Lars

  2. #2


    Howdy Patriot, welcome to the forum and i hope we can be of some help to each other in the future!..

  3. #3


    Welcome mate, any friend of Lars is a friend of mine I'm sure you will enjoy it here if you are into history.

  4. #4


    Welcome to the site PatriotNC1 I'm pretty sure you will find a good forum with excellent members.Hope you enjoy it. Cheers Terry.

  5. #5


    Welcome aboard mate, I'm sure you'll find plenty of great advice, help and info here to keep you coming back.

  6. #6


    Thank you, Lars. Very interesting forum. I look forward to seeing the posts. I do appreciate the invitation. I do apologize for taking long to respond, but work got a bit hectic for about an hour or so. Nice to meet everyone in here! - C.J.

  7. #7


    Quote by PatriotNC1 View Post
    Thank you, Lars. Very interesting forum. I look forward to seeing the posts. I do appreciate the invitation. I do apologize for taking long to respond, but work got a bit hectic for about an hour or so. Nice to meet everyone in here! - C.J.
    Where are you from in NC? i've got friends in Southern Pines!...

  8. #8


    Good morning, Gunny. I'm from Western North Carolina, out in the mountains. Right near Lake James.

  9. #9


    Hi and welcome aboard!

    Cheers, Ade.
    Had good advice? Saved money? Why not become a Gold Club Member, just hit the green "Join WRF Club" tab at the top of the page and help support the forum!

  10. #10


    Hello Patriot, Welcome to the forum, you will meet some great chaps here who are always willing to share their knowledge.

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