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Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

Article about: I like mushroom hunting, garden job, plastic models ( but have not time for that)

  1. #771

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Quote by Greenhorn View Post
    Hi Ralph

    A beautiful bird of prey! A neighbor found a Great Horned Owl and offered it to me some time ago. I called the local DNR and they told me it was a federal offense to possess it or any part of it. I didn't know they were that protected here but sure would like to have had it mounted! Would you share some of the mounts you have? Would love a peek

    Hi Green,
    They are protected here as well. If found dead, you may go to the Fish & Wildlife office and purchase a "Permit to posess found dead wildlife" at a cost of $10. If you are found with any without permits, they will take all the animals and birds that you have.
    I personally have found over 40 great horned owls, matter of fact, I probably have found over 100 dead birds of prey. They are there, on the side of the road, you just have to be willing to stop and pick them up.
    I always carry smaller white garbage bags in my vehicle.
    Some of my mounts have been posted, post #446, currently on page 33
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  2. #772

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Love the owl, Andrew

    A wise old owl sat in a tree,
    The more he saw, the less he spoke,
    The less he spoke, the more he heard,
    So why can't we be like that wise old bird?

    Totally off topic, I've just reached a major milestone with my Babylon 5 fanfic i.e. 200 A4 pages of single spaced type, which takes me past the 140,000 word barrier. Been working on it for two years now; it chronicles Minbar's slide towards civil war through the eyes of Neroon, a high-ranking member of the warrior caste. Oh, and it involves watching far too much Babylon 5... (ok, I admit I'm a geekette LOL)

  3. #773

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Quote by rbminis View Post
    Hi Green,
    They are protected here as well. If found dead, you may go to the Fish & Wildlife office and purchase a "Permit to posess found dead wildlife" at a cost of $10. If you are found with any without permits, they will take all the animals and birds that you have.
    I personally have found over 40 great horned owls, matter of fact, I probably have found over 100 dead birds of prey. They are there, on the side of the road, you just have to be willing to stop and pick them up.
    I always carry smaller white garbage bags in my vehicle.
    Some of my mounts have been posted, post #446, currently on page 33
    Awesome, Ralph! Your birds are magnifique! Had I known a license was possible, that Horned Owl would be with me. I promise to take a camera fishing with me and get some shots of all the wildlife I encounter on the water. I usually fish with a purpose and don't take the time to take photographs of the surroundings. We fishermen see some amazing things on the water and sometimes the fish even Surely, you see some spectacular wildlife in your parts more often than what I see around Chgo and its bordering towns. However, when travelling around the States, some neat things have come my way. Specifically, the Water Moccasins that will come in the boat with you if you let them get close! I was fishing in Tennessee one year and a snake was swimming toward the boat, I took off as if it was Godzilla coming after me. At the ramp, a guide that was there said it was a Water Moccasin, most likely, and they're poisonous. Swimming snakes with piracy on their minds don't mix well.
    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig. CE

  4. #774

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Thanks Green!
    When I bought my camera, I wanted one that would take nice photos of the miniatures that I create as well as wildlife. I had to purchase an adapter, but they both suit my needs. I take many photos of wildlife and keep them as reference just like I do for my militaria.
    All I can say is, snakes and I do not get along well at the best of times.
    If I were you, I would check a little more in to the possibility of permits. I am not sure but, I believe I heard that they do not allow it in the states which is what you have said.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  5. #775

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Reynard, congrats on your milestone! I'm not familiar with the subject matter you're writing about but it must be interesting to have written about it for this long. You have kept Bic Pens in business single handedly and they owe you a box!

    Ralph, your miniatures are works of art, you are a patient man. When fishing kicks-up again, we'll have to start a fish thread if we may.

    Last edited by Greenhorn; 01-14-2013 at 06:15 AM. Reason: Typo as usual :)
    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig. CE

  6. #776

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Quote by Greenhorn View Post
    Surely, you see some spectacular wildlife in your parts more often than what I see around Chgo and its bordering towns.
    Just a story to share Green,
    One time when my friend and I were fishing, two cow moose and a young calf came out of the bush about 75 yards from us and aproached the shore. They continued into the water until they were about chest deep, then turned and walked parallel to the shore until they disappeared around the bend. We couldn't figure out what they were doing but thought it was quite neat. After about 20 minutes I spotted two wolves come out of the bush exactly where the moose had. They continued to the water's edge and sniffed around for a bit. Then they left and went back into the bush. It was obvious to us that the moose had entered the water so that the wolves could not follow the trail and therefore had probably saved the calf from the wolves.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  7. #777

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,


    That is a great story. Amazing that it's natural for their survival and we hardly notice such behavior. Wild wolves, how beautiful!! No such thing here, although one was killed by a vehicle several years ago in northern Illinois. I have plenty of fishing stories to share but wild land animals are at minimum here. Giant rats! lol I have witnessed a buck Largemough rubbing a female to loosen her eggs prior to her dropping eggs and then him milting them. Pretty rare thing to witness, usually they are seen on beds and none of the courtship activity. Mark
    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig. CE

  8. #778

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Nice Mark, unfortunately no bass up here.
    Although I have seen a school of very large whitefish playing on the surface. Tried to throw a hook into the middle of them but , no luck, they didn't want to have anything to do with it.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  9. #779

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Always liked animals!
    We have a rescue place for wild animals nearby, and they are specialized in birds!
    That seems to attract other birds, so we got often owls keeping us awake at night when they are sitting in the trees of the garden making they typical sounds!
    I honestly have to say that is the time I am less found of them.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  10. #780

    Default Re: Other hobbies besides collecting militaria?,

    Quote by rbminis View Post
    Thanks Green!
    When I bought my camera, I wanted one that would take nice photos of the miniatures that I create as well as wildlife. I had to purchase an adapter, but they both suit my needs. I take many photos of wildlife and keep them as reference just like I do for my militaria.
    All I can say is, snakes and I do not get along well at the best of times.
    If I were you, I would check a little more in to the possibility of permits. I am not sure but, I believe I heard that they do not allow it in the states which is what you have said.
    Nice Ralph, I love the snowy Owl...but of course have never seen one in the wild or up close. Shes beautiful.

    BTW does anyone else enjoy Photography? I recently entered the world of DSLR cameras, and have been loving it! Now that my work has slowed down, Ive been taking alot of wildlife pics lately....ducks, deer, landscape shots/etc. These cameras are incredible if you know how to use em'!

    This is before I knew how to use the manual settings....
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