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POWs camp in Urville Nacqueville France

Article about: Gentlemen ,hello! I'm looking for infos,links ,maps ,pics regarding the POW camp in Urville Nacqueville. We know its position,but that's all,sadly.. Any help will be great!! Thanks to all!

  1. #1

    Default POWs camp in Urville Nacqueville France

    Gentlemen ,hello!
    I'm looking for infos,links ,maps ,pics regarding the POW camp in Urville Nacqueville.
    We know its position,but that's all,sadly..
    Any help will be great!!
    Thanks to all!

  2. #2

    Default Re: POWs camp in Urville Nacqueville France

    Hi Seb,
    That sounds really good for a dig site, have you done a google earth view of it.
    that will show up all sorts of building and other shapes in the ground, i find
    it saves time hunting them.

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