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A question for nuno!!

Article about: suykens deel II 036.jpg suykens deel II 037.jpg Any idea what thise medal is about? cheers |<ris

  1. #1

    Default A question for nuno!!

    suykens deel II 036.jpg
    suykens deel II 037.jpg

    Any idea what thise medal is about?
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  2. #2

    Default Re: A question for nuno!!

    50th anniversary of an important flight to macau, possibly start of commercial services? Not sure.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A question for nuno!!

    Don't know eighter!
    As it had uniformed guy's on it , I tought I could as well post it here, and see if nuno could help.
    I have got like 200 similar medals yesterday, all ar related to ports all over the world, exept thise one....
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  4. #4

    Default Re: A question for nuno!!

    Quote by stuka f View Post
    suykens deel II 036.jpg
    suykens deel II 037.jpg

    Any idea what thise medal is about?
    Hi Kris.
    I have just arrived home, i have so much stuff to unpack.
    Its a 50th anniversary comemoration medal of the I first long range flight to Macau.
    I have seen a few of these.
    Still a great example you have there.

  5. #5
    JMM is offline

    Default Re: A question for nuno!!

    The 3 pilots in the medal had to wait for Sacadura Cabral to finish his flight Lisboa - Rio de Janeiro (1922) on board biplane Lusitania. Then, in 1924 on board biplane Patria (Fatherland) they made their flight to Macau. I've uploaded pics of them.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #6

    Default Re: A question for nuno!!

    Thanks, guy's!
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  7. #7

    Default Re: A question for nuno!!

    The study for the medal looks like it came from the photo
    of the trio of Airmen that JMM posted !

    In other words, the artist used the photograph
    to design his sculpture of the medal.........!


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