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Rarest item in your collection

Article about: Hello guys, what are your rarest items, mine are the Latvian Sam Browne belt, unopened Soviet badge, panzer flag, Riga OMON beret and a piece of the Berlin Wall. Raul

  1. #1

    Default Rarest item in your collection

    Hello guys, what are your rarest items, mine are the Latvian Sam Browne belt, unopened Soviet badge, panzer flag, Riga OMON beret and a piece of the Berlin Wall. Raul

  2. #2


    A Katana made by Masanao in the year 1574.


  3. #3


    An SA Tinny from my hometown, nothing thats much worth, but it was a very small Unit, not more then a few hundred people i guess.

  4. #4


    A mace head in Bronze from between 1100/ 1300. Found myself on ancient battlefield.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #5


    A photo of this Heereskarte from an officer (Leutnant Westphal) of the 671. Artillery Regiment from 715. I.D. (mot). This would be the only Littoria Heereskarte with his personal markings - so one of a kind. NH


  6. #6


    Wow, thats an amazing piece, congrats Trond!

  7. #7


    I don't really know what the rarest items in my collection are.... But I can tell you my rarest finds with metal detecting...

    2 British B166 mortar crates next to each other, a German Kar98k bayonet, A British spike bayonet, a German belt buckle and a German 7.62 exercise cartridge. pff.... while I'm typing this I notice that the list goes on and on..... whaha I metal detect to much :P

    Nice question/post


  8. #8


    With these findings i would be out there all the time, all i´ve found so far are a few screws and rusty nails :P...

  9. #9



    HAHA!! When I started metal detecting I only found shrapnel and screws and nails like you said.... But If you rule out certain signals on your metal detector life gets better :P

  10. #10


    Not sure if it's the rarest thing I own, but definitely the most historic.

    A hammered silver sixpence, from the reign of Elizabeth I. Minted in 1573.


    Regards, B.B.

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