I didn't know where to post this however, I feel that it's fitting since D-Day is tomorrow.
I read a letter to the editor in my local newspaper this morning that really makes you think about who are today's so called heroes in baseball who our kids and yes, adults look up to and regard, for some unknown reason, as heroes.
The article went on to say: While I was watching baseball on a Sunday night the announcers told us about former players that interrupted their careers to serve in the military. I know of Ted Williams, Bob Feller, Phil Rizzoto, Hank Bauer, Gerry Coleman, Billy Martin, just to name a few.
I was thinking that since 9/11 we have been fighting two wars. So can anyone out there name one active baseball player who has the guts to join the military?
Also, how many can one name that have taken some kind of drug the improve themselves?
Our kids today can name more players that cheat than serve in the service. Remember when Joba Chamberlain got caught driving drunk and made a remark about Yogi Berra" Well, Instead of driving drunk, Yogi was invading Normandy Beach. So who are the real baseball heroes?