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the robbing of war monuments

Article about: These people are the lowest of the low.

  1. #1

    Default the robbing of war monuments

    Again a sad story of a destroyed war remembrance statue. Cut up to pieces and sold for scrap metal.It was recovered after one week.
    Pacé. La statue du monument aux morts retrouvée découpée en quatre... - Pacé - Rennes - -
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  2. #2

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    Disgusting. I would glady stand guard with a TAZOR at that beautiful statue!

  3. #3

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    The "people" that did that, are nothing short of utter filth. They should be made to both pay for the expensive repair work, and tend to memorial grounds or the like for a long time.

  4. #4

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    It happens far too often now. People seem to have lost all respect for our fallen. Here in Warrington there was a small plaque stolen from the wall of a shop. It was erected in memory of two young boys - Tim Parry and Johnathan Ball. They were blown up by an IRA bomb while out shopping for Mother's Day in march 1993.

    The scum that do these things only see the scrap value of such monuments, and not the suffering and death they commemorate.

  5. #5

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    Quote by TIGER88 View Post
    The "people" that did that, are nothing short of utter filth. They should be made to both pay for the expensive repair work, and tend to memorial grounds or the like for a long time.
    I personally wouldn't want someone who showed the initial disrespect to these monuments and what they stand for within 10 miles of them. Or within 10 miles of myself to be honest.

  6. #6

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    my last comment was deleted in case it offended any one,so here is my next try.this is going on all over western europe the people involved dont care about normal persons,the R. Gs and Ts.are a law unto themselves.I hope this is acceptable comment.

  7. #7

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    Quote by harryamb2 View Post
    my last comment was deleted in case it offended any one,so here is my next try.this is going on all over western europe the people involved dont care about normal persons,the R. Gs and Ts.are a law unto themselves.I hope this is acceptable comment.
    The one's who have been caught in this country doing it are by and large home-bred. Certain elements in our society get the blame for a lot of the crime on our streets. It isn't always justified.

  8. #8

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    And lets not forget the scrap yards and metal merchants who take this stuff in. Without them paying for it there would be no market and memorials wouldn't get stolen.

  9. #9

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    Quote by edelweiss123 View Post
    I personally wouldn't want someone who showed the initial disrespect to these monuments and what they stand for within 10 miles of them. Or within 10 miles of myself to be honest.
    They need to learn a little thing called RESPECT.

  10. #10

    Default Re: the robbing of war monuments

    Just this week, a 26 year old man was arrested for stealing brass grave markers and brass veterans signs from a cemetary in Wisconsin. He was attempting to sell them for scrap to feed a drug habit


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