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Russian seller !

Article about: I NEED opinion please about this seller !!!!!!!!!! I see this site for the first time today , any people buy here ? opinion about this seller!!!!! there are items unconvincing has sell !!!!!

  1. #1

    Default Russian seller !

    I NEED opinion please about this seller !!!!!!!!!! I see this site for the first time today , any people buy here ? opinion about this seller!!!!! there are items unconvincing has sell !!!!!!!


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  2. #2

    Default Re: Russian seller !

    This professionally assembled and maintained on-line shop seems (to me) to offer very nice things to knowledgeable clients...

    However, they are not able to ship items outside of Russia in a cost effective manner from my past experiences. This impression was gathered by replies to serious & legitimate inquiries from myself.

    If this has changed, kindly inform us...
    Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Russian seller !

    P08 Holster for 1000$
    German gun board 2200$

    Can somebody tell him that there is a worldwide financial crisis

  4. #4

    Default Re: Russian seller !

    I assure you that there are quite a good number of collectors in Russia that pay such prices...
    Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Russian seller !

    I would likt to inform our readers that everything below1955 is or belongs to russian patrimonium and is forbitten for export.
    I have tried in the past 5 years to export luftwaffe parts out of russia(officialy)
    its impossible.or you should deal with the russian maffia thats astreet without end.
    some are working via a inside job export way but only for small items if customs find it out you will have severe problems
    I have ordered also in the past books from russia daily stuff it was even opened by customs lucky for me it was legal stuff.
    sometimes russian customs labels are hanging on the parcel so be aware of all this that you don't get surprises when you order some german stuff....

  6. #6

    Default Re: Russian seller !

    Thank Richie ,Spaltring ! the same problem in UKRAINE ! i have problem in airport customs , i buy a big Plaque with brass trident , the men in customs take my plaque ! the customs boss come and after many bla,bla bla he tell me : ok
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Russian seller !

    Quote by RichieC View Post
    This professionally assembled and maintained on-line shop seems (to me) to offer very nice things to knowledgeable clients...

    However, they are not able to ship items outside of Russia in a cost effective manner from my past experiences. This impression was gathered by replies to serious & legitimate inquiries from myself.

    If this has changed, kindly inform us...

    it my to certify power expedier the articles out of Federation of Russia


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