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Stolen collection

Article about: On the night of 21 July 2008 , criminals broke in at my home and workshop , and almost my complete collection has been STOLEN, weapons, ammo , helmets , bayonets , headgear , etc , the (almo

  1. #61

    Default Re: Stolen collection


    just wondring wether you got any thing back in the end ? did you start collecting again ?

  2. #62

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    I hate hearing about these things, it almost sounds like an inside job......

  3. #63

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    No insult intended but please post in English as this is an English language forum. That way, all can share in your posts. Thank you(merci).


  4. #64

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    Quote by BIGGUYINFL View Post
    I hate hearing about these things, it almost sounds like an inside job......
    I'm more into vehicles now ,
    actually I'm restoring a GMC 2,5 ton workshop and a Dodge WC 63

  5. #65

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    I my house will be in construction work for two weeks and it requires for me to move to my girlfriends house for that amount of time.
    Since no one will be there and workers will be alone, i will take my whole collection with me, and lock al the rooms that are not in renovation.
    Right now im packing the stuff in crates.
    This is my solution.

  6. #66

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    not to be conspicious but it is usually someone you sold a item to or showed the collection to and better still relatives. that was one precious collection im sad to see that happened the thieves will sell sooner or later its very hard to sell anything in the way of german cause everyne wants pics and makers marks serial numbers ect ect ill keep a eye out also.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    Quote by NunoGTI View Post
    I my house will be in construction work for two weeks and it requires for me to move to my girlfriends house for that amount of time.
    Since no one will be there and workers will be alone, i will take my whole collection with me, and lock al the rooms that are not in renovation.
    Right now im packing the stuff in crates.
    This is my solution.
    Wise idea friend.
    OOps didn't notice the date.
    Never Mind.

  8. #68

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    Thanks a lot to everyone , to keep this tread "alive" , it's very important to stay alert , some day it might happen to you too.
    Let's hope something'll see the daylight in the (near) future , and give me a clue in what direction to look for.

    I wish all possible evil to the scum that commited burglary and theft on my property and personal belongings !

  9. #69

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    thats why i have a big gun vault 3800 pounds empty,,now 15000.pounds full,,bust a nut trying to move it

  10. #70

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    check ebay

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