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Stolen collection

Article about: On the night of 21 July 2008 , criminals broke in at my home and workshop , and almost my complete collection has been STOLEN, weapons, ammo , helmets , bayonets , headgear , etc , the (almo

  1. #1

    Default Stolen collection

    On the night of 21 July 2008 , criminals broke in at my home and workshop , and almost my complete collection has been STOLEN, weapons, ammo , helmets , bayonets , headgear , etc ,
    the (almost) complete list of stolen items; Thanks for helping on this.

    Browning ,watercooled machinegun 1917 A 1 serial n° 723617, with tripod ammo box hold (metal) with box 250 rounds (4AP-1 Tr)

    German machinegun , air cooled DREYSE MG 13 , with ammo pouches and magazines , serial n° C 579 , cal. 8x57 JS

    US M 1 Carabine , .30 cal ammo pouches (canvas-magazines included)
    Serial n° 5564506

    German machinegun , MG 42 , black plastic butt , serial n° MV 18391 dib ccc 788

    US GREASE GUN M3 with magazine , serial n° 1777591 RIA

    German MP 40 , with magazine serial n° 7567 cos (1546)

    BRENGUN , MK II INGLIS with magazine , serial n° ASR 9 T 1734

    US BAZOOKA M 9 A I , with metal shoulder rest , tangent sight , trigger part original paint , front tube (very good) replica

    20 magazines for MP 40

    15 magazines for STEN GUN

    German Peaked Caps:-1 dark green piping , Heeresverwaltung (service corps )EREL (very good condition)

    - 1 pink piping ( panzer) green has vanished by sunshine to a pale shade of green

    -1 dark grey cap , Luftwaffe , mint condition

    - 2 green caps , white piping ( infantry) 1 officer -1 nco

    German Helmets : 1 M 42 yellow , Afrika corps with dust glasses , no decals.

    1 M 35 green , 1 decal , wehrmacht ,nice condition, complete

    1 M 35 , blue , 1 decal , Luftwaffe

    1 M 40 , green , 1 decal , wehrmacht

    1 M40 , blue , 1 decal Luftwaffe

    1 M40 , blue , camouflaged , Luftwaffe

    1 M 42 green –brown- yellow camouflaged , wehrmacht

    1 M42 dark green , no decals , very rough paint , wehrmacht

    1 paratrooper helmet , diffrent shades of yellow-ocre , ( monte cassino) no decals

    British para trooper helmet , BMB , wth camouflage net , Brown and green wovens

    Empty metal case for stich hand grenades (german )

    4 german stick hand grenades –originals in perfect condition

    1 german camouflaged gas mask tin , complete set

    5 german bayonets , plastic grips , diffrent makers

    6 german bayonets , wood grips

    2 german daggers , SA , Brown grips

    1 german dagger , wehrmacht ,mint condition ; whit-yellow ivory grips

    1 german dagger , luftwaffe , dark grey grips

    1 german dagger , kriegsmarine , white grips

    1 german fighting knive

    1 german swastika flag

    Several german badges , -sturmabzeichen infantry

    - SA sportabzeichen

    - Party insignia NSDAP

    20 mm rounds , several types , german ( 60 rounds-

    20 mm rounds , several types , British-Canadian

    Magazine pouch for stengun magazines (airborne equipment )

    9 hand grenades Mill’s N° 36, mint condition( markings)

    1 german bayonet , wood grips –inscriptionon the blade ; FALLSCHIRMJAEGER REGIMENT 1 other side ; UNS IST DER SIEG

    4 metal ammo boxes .50 cal , filled up with linked rounds

    4 metal ammo boxes .30 cal , filled up with rounds (belted-

    2 powder bags for french 155 mm gun grand portee

    1 bayonet 19 th century (napolen)

    1 bayonet for VZ 24 tsech , sama as German K98 K , wood grips

    4 leather bayonet frogs (german )

    1 pick axe , small , US for belting up

    1 Belgium order , Vuurkruiser with palm ww 1

    1 german order , silver , for 25 years of true service

    1 entranchement tool , US not foldable in pouch

    1 german map bag , brown leather

    1 german wounded badge , black

    1 german wounded badge , silver

    1 holster for walther 9 mm gun , black leather

    1 belt , leather officer german brown

    1 belt , leather german officer , black

    1 set of german Y belts , black leather

    1 set of german officers boots,

    1 german decoration , minenvernichtigung ( mine sweeping)

    2 german pay books

    1 german belt , black leather , buckle , green metal , GOTT MIT UNS

    1 german canteen , with small black plstic cup

    1 ammo belt for Garand , US

    1 german belt , alloy buckle , luftwaffe

    1 german order , fur kriegsverdienste , with swords

    1 german order , org TODT , in paper bag

    1 belgian bayonet for mauser , (long)

    1 Canadian tankers holster 1944

    1 german dust glasses

    1 baynet for sten gun

    1 glasses for british tanker

    4 bayonets , french rosalie’s- 2 copper hadle , 2 zinc handle

    2 bayonets , french rosalies , 1 copper , 1 zinc , modified

    1 holster US Sears 1942

    3 german back packs

    4 US bayonets for garand rifle

    3 sets of cleaning material for german kar 98 k

    1 set parts for .30 cal

    1 german order , coastal artillery

    1 german order , FLAK

    2 long bayonets model 1907 enfield , leather scabbard

    2 belts for kar 98 k

    2 belts for MP 40

    2 german bread bags , green – grey

    1 german helmet with splittertarn – white camouflage cover , with leather belt twisted over it

    1 german party pin (swastika)

    1 german sturmgepack, canvas

    1 pin DLV (aircraft-association)

    1 medal , Canadian war medal , silver

    2 very nice rounds , Bofors 40 mm , 1 AP (black with red markings , 1 HE , yellow with green red markings)

    1 italian hand grenade

    German post bag

    Medal reichsparty day 1938

    2 medals day of labour 1938

    5 spangen , german decorations (bars)

    Canadian kitbag , with names from campaigns written on

    British Sheffield commando dagger

    German tent poles in a bag

    Clip with 4 rounds for bofors gun , Kriegsmarine markings

    US trench knife , M 3

    Japanese dagger , Imperial Japanese Navy , very rare

    Telescope , diffrent sections sliding together ,

    Firing pin unit for the 17 Pr / 25 Pr gun (half circular bottom )

    6 Belgian Bayonets WW II ( long model , wood grips)

    So far the list of stolen objects

    Will you please distribute this mail to everyone you know , collectors , traders and museums in particular ,

    Thank you very much for your cooperation

  2. #2

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    a van was used , that's for sure , and it all happened on a week-end , while we were on a hollyday , they searched trough everything , leaving the cheaper things behind . More things were left behind , near the door , such as weapons , hand grenades , so they had to run in a hurry (?)and planned to come back later on (?), as we were suposed not to come home that week , but we returned the very same day from our hollyday,

  3. #3
    pjm is offline

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    Where did this take place?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    At our home , we live in Belgium , flemish part of the country

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    Quote by PHILBROWN View Post
    well at least its comforting that there is scumbags in belgium as well as the uk. things here are well out of control sadly, wish you luck philip
    We're not better off here , I think it's a common habit nowadays , unfortunately for those who are serious , and act the way they should , my trust is far gone now ,

  6. #6

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    I advice everybody now , take good close up pictures from your stuff , detailed , as good as possible , because it's really difficult as time goes by to recognize your items .
    I hope if anything turns up , anywhere , people will be honest to tell or call to local police forces , because it's a very big loss , financially and emotionally. Yesterday I got a message from a german collector , who's motorbike Harley Davidson and collection has been stolen , I hope the thieves will get caught

  7. #7

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    C est la pire chose qui peu arrivé a un collectioneur si cela aurait arrivé ici je te dirai d aller voir les endroit ou tu peu vendre n importe quoi ^pour peu d argent ou bien les surplus militaire ! peu etre ebay !

  8. #8

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    vous avez bien raison , mais que peut je faire , je visite les bourses , les marchés aux puces , je demande à tout le monde , de bon volonté , ci quelque chose vous serait offert , faisant partie de ma liste , n'hésite pas de me renseigner ou demander des photo's , je garde l'espoir qu'un jour , quelque chose sera offert sur le marché , et j'espère qu'il y-a des gens pour qui l'honneur et encore plus important que de grandir la collection avec des pieces volées

  9. #9

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    Tu sais , TRES SOUVENT , un vol comme ca est commis par une personnes proche de toi , ou une personnes qui savait tu possede tout ca ! et tous ca pour le voleur = $$$$$ !malheureusement C est pour cela que personne ne vien chez moi ! ou bien je m arange pour qu il ne voie pas tous ca .... Bon courage Philip


  10. #10

    Default Re: Stolen collection

    oui , t"as bien raison , aparament j'ai fait confiance à des personages mal honêtes, lesquels je croyais que c'était des amis , car les mêmes points d'interêt , ....... je sais mieux maintenant , hélas , trop tard

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