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Third Reich collecting in Australia is done.

Article about: The Australian government has passed a bill making all German related artifacts illegal now to own, sell, trade/import. No attempt was made to give any exemption or time to be allowed to sel

  1. #1

    Default Third Reich collecting in Australia is done.

    The Australian government has passed a bill making all German related artifacts illegal now to own, sell, trade/import.
    No attempt was made to give any exemption or time to be allowed to sell off their collection. Rendering all items assinetinally valueless.
    Any attempt at selling or buying by law can now be deemded as a terroist act and can be faced with fines or jail time..

    It was a pleasure being in this hobby for the last 5 years..
    Thank you to all those who've helped me learn how to understand this hobby.
    I still intend to keep some of the stuff I have bought over the years but there isn't any chance *other then illegal means* of buying more memorabilia.
    Kind regards.

  2. #2


    If you are going to put it in print, please get the facts straight, from what I understand, only if marked with a swastika, and not a problem until Feb. of next year.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  3. #3


    Sorry to hear that. What a disgraceful law.
    Regards, Al

  4. #4


    That motion was voted no. The bill will be most likely put into affect in the next 28 days.
    Most items procuded in that period had stamping of some kind. Visors, helmets, medals, paperwork, flags, guns, uniforms. It doesn't leave much else to buy.

  5. #5


    Oh my God what next, the whole F#####g world is going crazy, twenty years ago these people that make these laws would have been laughed at or committed. I feel bad for all my fellow collectors down under. Good luck to all of you!!!

    "Only a pimp in a Louisiana whore house carries a pearl handled revolver"
    - General George Smith Patton Jr.

  6. #6


    Honestly such a sad day for collectors.
    I've already sold off a couple things and other collectors are already doing the same. Trying to get their money back before the bill is put into effect.

  7. #7


    I can't help but think of the guys that have been collecting for twenty,thirty years plus. I know of one guy on one of the forums that's been collecting Lugers for a long time, imagine how he feels,more control, it's sickening!!. Probably coming to the states shortly, I gave up thinking can't happen here a long time ago.

    Again, Good luck Jimmy, Bill.
    "Only a pimp in a Louisiana whore house carries a pearl handled revolver"
    - General George Smith Patton Jr.

  8. #8


    It's ludicrous. So I collect SS caps which don't have swastika's that would be Ok if I just pop off the eagle ? LOL
    Regards, Al

  9. #9


    Statement from the Attorney-Gernal portfolio
    "The Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill has passed with unanimous support, sending a clear message there is no place in Australia for acts and symbols that glorify the horrors of the Holocaust and terrorist acts."

    So the skull would probably fall under a hate symbol. Which sounds stupid, The entire idea is ridiculous. Japans empierial symbol, not a problem. Russian? Nope, all good. It just seems anything at all related to TR items will be banned full stop. Collectors can still own their items but aren't able to display it. Which, what? lol its silly in general.

  10. #10


    I've been saying that since ebay put the ban 10 years ago. So Japan that participated in the rape of Nanking, the Bataan death march and countless atrocities to POW's and civilians, eh no problem. Russia that exterminated as many ethnic groups as Germany and slaughtered civilians nothing to see here. It's only the dreaded crooked cross that merits expulsion.
    Weak minded politicians always go for the low hanging fruit to appease the circus. they never stick their necks out to defend the rights of their constituents.
    Last edited by Aldo; 12-07-2023 at 02:41 PM.
    Regards, Al

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