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Tips for photographing collection

Article about: Hello all! I've been looking at pics of my collection, and they range from very good, to dark and full of shadows that obscure the piece I'm trying to show. In general, when it's nice outsid

  1. #1

    Default Tips for photographing collection

    Hello all!

    I've been looking at pics of my collection, and they range from very good, to dark and full of shadows that obscure the piece I'm trying to show.

    In general, when it's nice outside, I try to take pictures in natural light. This more often than not helps make better pictures.

    For example:

    However, now that the winter months are upon us, I'll be forced to take pictures indoors. I've noticed that most of my indoor photos are pure rubbish!

    In a nut shell, I guess I'm asking how to reproduce outdoor, natural light conditions indoors!

    Can you guys share tips for photographing? Do you use a backdrop? What type of lighting do you use? What kind of camera? Any special settings? Flash or NO flash?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    1.get a box and a white cloth 2. stick cloth in box so that it covers the inside 3. put item in box 4. turn light on next to it from above 5. start snapping
    easier just put a white clothe behind the item put a desk light above it but not to close this will give the illusion of 12o'cock sunlight


  3. #3

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    There's a thread in the TR Decorations forum which offers some tips: Photographing medals and badges.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    Quote by talltom View Post
    easier just put a white clothe behind the item put a desk light above it but not to close this will give the illusion of 12o'cock sunlight

    this is the method i use, visible in all of my photos, but your correct about the light, too close and the glare will bleed out all of the color and give you poor results (im still perfecting my technique)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    Thanks for the responses, everyone! It looks like I need to invest in a better tripod as well!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    Whenever possible, I always try to use natural sunlight. It has the full spectrum and almost always results in the best photos. That, and the wife is a professional photographer, so she has very little patience with my fumbling around with cameras! "Just take it outside! Geez!"(I've heard this particular sentence How many times...) William

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  7. #7

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    Quote by GIZMO8Z View Post
    Thanks for the responses, everyone! It looks like I need to invest in a better tripod as well!
    i need to get one aswell. i think ill go outside and take some natural light shots of my polizei helmet to add to my thread while im bored!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    Above all, position your item in front of a simple backdrop, such as a white sheet as mentioned. You want that item to be the focus of attention, not the wood pattern of your deck or other objects, like laundry, in the back.

    I tend to use a matte colored cloth behind my photos to avoid any reflection of the flash. For small enough objects, I place them on a large cork board for a nice simple background. Here's examples of photos I've recently taken.

    1944 BSA Enfield No. 4, MK 1 .JPGWebley MK IV Army.JPG

  9. #9

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    Quote by gbalke View Post
    like laundry, in the back.
    Gah! You caught me!

    I need to invest in a nice backdrop and make a photo station in my basement. I'll see if I can stop at the arts and craft store to pick up a bit of light colored fabric.

    Can anyone recommend a specific type of lighting/ light bulb to use?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Tips for photographing collection

    get one of those desk lights that artists use because its got a huge body that can hang arounf 40cm/50cm above the item i'll find a picture for you


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