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Waiting for payment on Ebay items

Article about: Gents I've been doing some short quick 3day ebay sales to help finish off paying health bills what do you do when buyers dont return messages or send payment within a respectable time? Am I

  1. #1

    Default Waiting for payment on Ebay items

    I've been doing some short quick 3day ebay sales to help finish off paying health bills what do you do when buyers dont return messages or send payment within a respectable time?
    Am I out of order to expect payment within 3days for a 3day auction?
    One Gent won a bayonet didnt pay then the following week won another item still nothing on either item the bayo was all packed ready to go now I have to find a larger box to pack both items while waiting for this dude, zero communication.
    Another guy in Russia forget it I've been waiting over a month on him to pay!!

    Miffed Eric

  2. #2


    A month is ridiculous. I stipulate on my auctions what the payment time-frame I expect is. If they exceed it, I communicate that with them and give them a couple days more. Did you put payment terms in your listing?

  3. #3


    Ebay has features and policies to deal with that...Report a non-paying bidder...This is basic Ebay Stuff, friend...
    cheers, Glenn

    - - ------- - -

  4. #4


    Seven days it the maximum I wait, exept on explicit demands!
    I don't even send a message,I immediatly fill in a complaint and see how that goes.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  5. #5


    You need to contact the seller first and if you receive no reply in a reasonable time period such as 72 hours
    Contact pay pal and they will look into the issue I have gone down this road before and it can take 7-10 days from the time you file a complaint with PayPal for them to give you the OK to relist the item.

    Regards Mark

  6. #6


    Thanks I've been thinking of sending out second chance offers I've never done it before how do you feel about this? oh in shipping and payment info I ask 'please pay within 3days'
    Thanks Gents I appreciate the comments.


  7. #7


    If your terms are 3 days, that's what ebay will enforce on a dispute.

  8. #8


    I believe you can ban your problem buyer from bidding on your future auctions. Check with Ebay.


  9. #9

    Default Eliminating Transactional Drama

    Greetings Eric,

    I too had many of the same challenges when selling on eBay. My favorite “drama” is when someone wins the auction and then wants to discuss/quibble over postage fees. I have devolved to the point of just accepting PayPal payments (only), payment received within three days or the item is relisted, no overseas bids (blocked), bids (only) from folks with over 10 completed purchases, and absolutely no returns. When I now sell, I make less money because I’m not “buyer friendly,” but I have eliminated the drama from “tire kickers” who think they are dealing with Walmart. When a bidder on one of my items acts a fool (late payment or does not have 10 or more transactions), I block them from further/future bidding transactions “buh bye.” I get if this was a business venture it would be wisest to be more “customer friendly,” but I rather sell with less “transactional drama” than make an extra 10% from someone who wants to have their expert look at something after they purchase it… just to determine they really don’t want it.

    Once you build a template with all of your pre-conditions it is no big deal to cut and paste it for future sales. I have had on the whole a much better eBay experience once I ditched the folks with issues (ahem, challenges). “I’m getting divorced, I’ll get the payment to you in a week, I just bought another for less and I don’t want yours, I’m waiting to get paid…blah blah blah,” I have heard some doozies. If someone works for me, are a close friend or family member then I will happily embrace their challenges, but if it is an eBay bidder… their challenges do not become my challenges period full stop. Put your appropriate “conditions” listed in your item’s description and though you will still have occasional transactional drama, you can avoid the mass of damaged eBay bidders out there. “I see where you listed you do not sell overseas, but will you sell overseas?”

    I’m always amazed at how many potential eBay bidders contact me with some egalitarian BS like, “I use these militaria items to teach children about the war, visit with veterans,” or some such pulling of the heartstring’s nonsense and then explain why they don’t have a PayPal account. Whatever, their challenge(s) they are not mine and if my transactional conditions are not too their liking, no sweat… don’t bid… all of my items sell with or without their bids. I want money not drama and if I make less money to get no drama that is quite fine by me. For me militaria collecting is a hobby that occasionally pays for itself, it’s not my “day” job. I am blessed with plenty of good friends and while I would never turn down a new friendship, I’m certainly not prostituting myself to get new ones from eBay. I realize you asked for advice and this turned into a rant of sorts, just know you are not alone!



  10. #10


    It annoys me that you can't leave bad feedback for non payers etc!..

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