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Article about: I was wondering if it was possible for the forum to watermark all uploaded images posted on the site ? Having heard of both photos being reproduced and sold , also images of other peoples it

  1. #1
    CBH is online now

    Default Watermarks

    I was wondering if it was possible for the forum to watermark all uploaded images posted on the site ?
    Having heard of both photos being reproduced and sold , also images of other peoples items being used on sale sites .
    Could WRF provide a WRF watermark for images posted , the owner would still have the original unmarked image .
    Just a question , as I am not very computer literate and am unable to watermark my own photos ! Yet .
    Your thoughts

    Cheers Chris

  2. #2


    When I need a simple watermark rather then the ones I have set up in Photoshop I just use the one I downloaded from the following linked site. Once installed it is very simple to use...
    Coding Elite

  3. #3
    CBH is online now


    I use a MAC , so PC hardware will not work for me . It was just a thought if it is too difficult I understand .
    But I do feel it would be a useful security feature , that would prevent images from the site from being stolen .
    Cheers Chris

  4. #4


    You guys misunderstood the question (i think). CBH, do you mean like this? Click on the pic to make ii bigger, look at the down right corner. This happens automaticaly when you upload pics to this site.

  5. #5
    CBH is online now


    Yes something like that , or more of a banner across a corner . Something that would show that the image was from this site .
    So if someone uses the image , it would be marked for all to see . We have a great forum and the quality of the images are great .
    I just feel it would be a useful security feature .

  6. #6
    CBH is online now


    I'd like to hear what Dimas thinks , or any mod . I think this could solve some problems members are having .

    cheers Chris

  7. #7


    I know on some other forums that all images uploaded and posted on the site are automatically watermarked with the site name. It seems to work and would be a good thing here if it can be done.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  8. #8


    I agree and think it would be a good addition.

  9. #9


    I understand the reasons behind watermarks, but to be perfectly honest and on the risk of catching some flak, I strongly dislike them.

    One that is plastered across the center of an image aesthetically ruins the photograph for me (and may even distort or obscure significant visual information) and one that is restricted to a border or corner can be easily eliminated by cropping the image and is thus useless anyway.

    If such a feature is to be implemented, it should not be compulsory for all images uploaded to the site, but left to the individual user to decide (if that is possible).

  10. #10


    It is easy enough to mark your own pictures if you wish. I have habitually done it in the past but as I have never had a problem I became a little bored of it so I have not done it here.

    The method I have used is to open the image in MS Paint (I am sure there is a Mac equivalent if not a version of MS Paint) then using the tools there just add a text marking somewhere in the pic. You can avoid obscuring critical areas by choosing carefully where you put it (obviously, as stated above the corner is pointless so it has to be on the item itself to avoid cropping but you can reduce / select very small font size as well as different colours so it will be visible but not "in the way" as it were. If you don't want to keep the mark on your copy just save it as a different version. This way the choice is yours.

    Some people selling period photographs mark the scanned images with such simple things a red lines or X's so that it is not possible to copy without the marks.


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