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Well I've finally sold out

Article about: Good Evening / Morning Ladies and Gentlemen After a lot of contemplation I finally decided to put a short video on YouTube. To be honest, I'm not really sure why, but what the heck. It's Ris

  1. #1

    Default Well I've finally sold out

    Good Evening / Morning Ladies and Gentlemen

    After a lot of contemplation I finally decided to put a short video on YouTube. To be honest, I'm not really sure why, but what the heck.

    It's Rise of Flight - nothing spectacular and I am just showing what not to do....

    I'm not sure what happened when I uploaded it, but the quality is appalling - so my apologies if you decide to view it. My suggestion is not to enlarge the video - it looks a lot better in the smaller format.

    Edit: for what ever reason, the resolution seems to have improved after 24 hours and is now at least passable if you watch in full screen.

    So, without further ado, I give you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9hg...ature=youtu.be

    Last edited by Allegra; 05-06-2014 at 10:48 AM.

  2. #2


    what happened to stall the engine tim was the fuel lines hit ,i remember i use to have a game on the amiga 500 back in the day called" wings" ,it was great fun

  3. #3


    No - I was revving it too high - hence the oil.

    The game physics is really excellent and all planes fly differently. You can have it fully auto or you can be in total control of everything. I was playing with full realism settings against an AI in this case. It is also multi-player or has numerous campaigns which most people play.

    Unfortunately it's the first video I've ever made and I don't know about the compression that YouTube uses.

    The game is actually far better than the video made it out to be.


  4. #4


    I like ROF a lot. I just completed my fighters collection this past weekend. It really is a great game!

  5. #5


    I've been meaning to play the game, but I've never got around to it. I really suck at simulators, since I have a poor patience to study and learn the game mechanics.

    Nice video!

  6. #6


    I usually stick with MenOfWar.. Yes i know, it is tiny small soldiers, but it is addictive....

  7. #7


    Quote by TrondK View Post
    I usually stick with MenOfWar.. Yes i know, it is tiny small soldiers, but it is addictive....
    Men of War is pretty good, although the coding of the game is quite annoying. Even if you are running a SLI and multi core processor, the performance increase doesn't show in the game. Never the less, a fun game.

  8. #8


    I have an 4year old laptop, so i have "some" problems when it comes to performance. But as long as i have my cup of coffe, it doesnt matter.

    (please agree with me)

  9. #9


    Quote by TrondK View Post
    I have an 4year old laptop, so i have "some" problems when it comes to performance. But as long as i have my cup of coffe, it doesnt matter.

    (please agree with me)
    No problem with that . MOW has a lot of vehicles and different troops, so it is quite fun to play. Also the destructible environment adds more to it. It's getting a big realism mod: Totaler Krieg this month. It should add new sounds, uniforms etc.

  10. #10


    liked the video very much.well done

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