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What an earth have I brought?

Article about: Hey hey crew, It's been a while since I've posted due to my final exams coming up, however thought I would have a break from studying and see what's going on here. Background story to this t

  1. #1

    Default What an earth have I brought?

    Hey hey crew,

    It's been a while since I've posted due to my final exams coming up, however thought I would have a break from studying and see what's going on here. Background story to this thing below, I am moving to NZ at the end of the year and went back recently to get some house keeping sorted out before the move. I'm suppose to be saving as much as possible but couldn't help going into an antique store where I found this. I'm certain it's not military but it was in with other military items so I thought I would buy it for a bargain. Any help would be great

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  2. #2


    Greek, looks like the Acropolis in the background, or maybe the Parthenon.

  3. #3


    I figured it was Greek from the wreaths and the writing, just wondering what the history behind it is?


  4. #4


    Just punched the script into google translate and it seems to be for some sort of international marathon? Hopefully one of the Greek members will be able to help you out.

  5. #5


    Thanks a lot, I was hoping it would be one of those stories where you go into a shop buy something for 20 bucks and find out its worth 20 million..... Guess not hahaha

  6. #6


    What sort of worth do you think it is?

  7. #7


    Sigh!-the Acropolis is the hill and the Parthenon is what sits on the top i.e. it's the same to the commemorative medallion, if you don't know what it actually is exactly, how can one give a 'value' for it?

    'Rejoice, We Conquer!'

  8. #8


    Perhaps a site that discusses Sport's Memorabilia would be more helpful than a Forum focused on Military Relics...
    cheers and good luck,

  9. #9


    still nice to have.

  10. #10


    Haha I thought I should double check it isn't military, thanks anyway guys!


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