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What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

Article about: Hello, I am interested by the History and People of Thibet. Now, it's hard to go to this country, it's hard for me!

  1. #1

    Default What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this thread has ever been done before, but I was wondering what some of your favorite subjects of history are outside of WWI and II. There is no shortage of topics to choose from. Just post below what your favorite subjects are, and perhaps a brief explanation for why they are your favorite.


  2. #2

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    Sports history, been a long time collector.
    Civil War history, visited a few battlefields and loved it.
    Korean War, because my dad served.
    Music History, I just love music,
    all of this plus WW2 history pretty much makes up my DNA

  3. #3

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    I love the American Revolution period. Williamsburg and Yorktown Virginia are my two favorite destinations for relaxation. Walt Disney World is my favorite destination when I don't want to relax. I also enjoy the American Civil War (War of Northern Aggression), with Gettysburg being a stones throw from my house and Antietam being not much further from me.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    Those are some good ones. The Civil War is one of my favorite as well.

    I have always had a deep interest in the Napoleonic Wars. I like the large scale battles and campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars as well as the tactics that were employed. The gentlemanly aspect of how wars were fought in those centuries just draws me in. Conquest was all about honor and dignity, even when so much was at stake. For example: In the beginning of the battle of Waterloo, Wellington had the chance to kill Napoleon when he rode his horse into range of the British artillery. He chose not to out of respect for his enemy. If something like that happened today, it would be all over CNN, and the commanding officer would probably lose his job.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    The Falklands interests me for a lot of reasons. The plucky little overstretched task force steaming to retake the islands, overcoming many stacked odds and then back home for tea and medals. It was also the last war Britain was involved in alone, and no questions of 'should we be there' in this one like some recent conflicts.

    I've always liked Roman and Napoleonic history too.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    I like the American Revolution as well, but I have been really interested lately in Austrian and Prussian history and German unification.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    Considering my family came to Australia from Northumberland in the UK, and were heavily involved in shipbuilding in Newcastle and coal extraction in Ashington, I naturally gravitate toward researching the struggles of the working class in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the efforts they had just to exist. ( compared to our soft 21st century life ) Look at my avatar - great grandfather couldn't raise a smile if he had to - from coal mining to the horrors of war back to ..............coal mining again!
    What a life!
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  8. #8

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    I have always had a thing for the Inca Empire. I am passionate about anthropology in general, but the whole story of the Spanish Conquest and the hybrid culture that rose out of it really fascinates me.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    Rome for all of their engineering and social innovations - they really created our modern world.

    Medieval times too, climbing out of the aftermath of Rome and environmental change and rediscovering knowledge that lead to the Enlightenment. Too bad we are backsliding.

    The early era of Japan culturally, artistically and militarily - a derivative culture that produced some real artistic wonders, but reached a balance that didn't change until the west forced it to.

  10. #10

    Default Re: What is your favorite subject or time period in history besides WWI and WWII?

    Saxon and Viking history for me. There is loads of it around here

    "In all my years as a soldier, I have never seen men fight so hard." - SS Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Bittrich - Arnhem

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