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Where to ask about Japanese items?

Article about: I have some Japanese relics also, but I guess this forum does not cover that aspect of the world war. I have some Japanese pilots wings that I wanted opinions on, but I wonder where I might

  1. #1

    Default Where to ask about Japanese items?

    I have some Japanese relics also, but I guess this forum does not cover that aspect of the world war. I have some Japanese pilots wings that I wanted opinions on, but I wonder where I might post photo and inquiry about that sort of item. Thankyou.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Where to ask about Japanese items?

    Hi Tom, please post them here in this section of the forum.

    The forum is really Ostfront orientated, so we do not have a Japenese section. I know Bob Coleman has a great knowledge of Japanese swords but I do not know if he collects wings etc. I cannot help, sorry.

    Cheers, Ade.

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