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For all the engineers out there

Article about: Name: IMG_1025.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 217.8 KB  ID: 995366 class= thumbnail style= float:CONFIG /> Found these this week but my camera has run out of battery so don't have anymo

  1. #1

    Default For all the engineers out there

    For all the engineers out thereFor all the engineers out thereFor all the engineers out thereFor all the engineers out thereFor all the engineers out thereFor all the engineers out there

    Found these this week but my camera has run out of battery so don't have anymore pictures at the moment. They are a really interesting read, especially the Bailey bridge book. When I was a youngster my sixth form college was the school where Mr Bailey, designer of the famous bridge, was educated. The shop where I found them has more so I may pop back on payday.

  2. #2
    CBH is online now


    There is still a Bailey bridge in use not far from where I live , they don't build them like they used to .

  3. #3


    Brilliant, i love stuff like this!....

  4. #4


    You are very lucky to find wartime publications Trelawney!
    Here is one of my post-war editions for the Bailey Bridge.

    For all the engineers out there


  5. #5


    Nice find I have a wartime book somewhere that shows the placement of these bridges in Germany

  6. #6


    Went back to the antique shop today an bought the remainder of the Royal Engineer items.

    For all the engineers out thereFor all the engineers out there

    The two Bailey bridge books are July 1944 dated but the RE pocket book is July 1945. Lots of technical information in each, I could go and build a bridge now!

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