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Allied rifle booklet

Article about: Another purchase from last sundays antiques fair. For a tenner this time. A flip book on the usage and maintenance of rifles. Its packed with information considering its size. I would assume

  1. #1

    Default Allied rifle booklet

    Another purchase from last sundays antiques fair. For a tenner this time.

    A flip book on the usage and maintenance of rifles. Its packed with information considering its size. I would assume its for home guard or the sorts considering the P.14 rifle which would of been pretty outdated by ww2. I really like the last page where it includes mathematics to work out speed and target aiming.

    Interestingly the 7.92 mm mauser round has a very small paragraph of text dedicated to it. Not sure if the gewehr 98 or kar98k however.

    I have included the diagrams mainly in my photos. If you want to see the text associated with a specific gun. ask and i will post them.

    Allied rifle bookletAllied rifle bookletAllied rifle bookletAllied rifle bookletAllied rifle bookletAllied rifle bookletAllied rifle bookletAllied rifle bookletAllied rifle booklet

  2. #2


    Given that it has a price in the bottom right corner, I'd say this was a manual meant for Home Guard use. I have a Bren manual that is very similar. Army-issue training pamphlets typically looked like this.

    Allied rifle booklet

    Given the widespread use of the 7.92 Mauser cartridge in German small arms, it could be referring to general enemy usage rather than a specific firearm type. Although given the subject matter of the pamphlet, one might assume it is referring to either the Gewehr 98 Or Kar98 rifles.

    Regards, B.B.

  3. #3


    Allied rifle booklet

    I have a similar type of manual to you. Just mine is for the bren gun and is a edited edition of a war time one for 1946. Pretty cool items considering price

    You know these manuals could make for a pretty interesting dedicated thread where everyone posts theirs.......

  4. #4


    Cool little booklet for a tenner. Oh dear a Ross rifle!....

  5. #5


    Not knowing Gunny, what the problem was about them i had go search it up.

    Now i see why you said that!


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