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belgian secret army

Article about: Here is a notification lettre of a "auxiliaire des services de renseignement et action second classe" . Thise (or the first class brevet)is what was given to 12.889 soldiers (membe

  1. #1

    Default belgian secret army

    Here is a notification lettre of a "auxiliaire des services de renseignement et action second classe" .
    Thise (or the first class brevet)is what was given to 12.889 soldiers (members) of the Belgian secret army.
    There is no medal accompaning thise citation.
    Mostly commemorating medals where given along but they have theyre own document as you can see on thise pictures.
    The "medaille de la resitance" and the "medaille commemorative 40/45" were given to him as well.
    The guy's name was Joris Antoine, according to what I found he was a member of the "Zig" network and his code name was "Bark" and became "Bayard" later on, he died in 1994.
    Two of his brothers didn't survive the war.
    One have been executed in 1943 by the Germans in France the other one died in Dora in 1945.
    belgian secret armybelgian secret armybelgian secret army
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  2. #2

    Default Re: belgian secret army

    A very brave man and a nice record of his service to his country.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: belgian secret army

    Great item and great informations about the soldier!

  4. #4

    Default Re: belgian secret army

    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  5. #5

    Default Re: belgian secret army

    : )

  6. #6

    Default Re: belgian secret army


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