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French Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles Davin

Article about: Two photos of my uncle Charles Davin time in the French Army. He is the first one at top left at a dock. His comrades are in the second photo in their uniforms. I am told he was a pioneer at

  1. #1

    Default French Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles Davin

    Two photos of my uncle Charles Davin time in the French Army. He is the first one at top left at a dock. His comrades are in the second photo in their uniforms. I am told he was a pioneer attached to a section of the Maginot line. The photos are dated September 1939. I have some other photos and a mobilization card if there is any interest. I welcome comments on uniforms, equipment and any history of French Army Pioneers. NH

    French Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles DavinFrench Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles Davin

  2. #2


    Thanks Neil. I would love to see more. Family photos are great!

    Cheers, Ade.
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  3. #3


    You know, the best is to put pictures on a French site, I see pioneers, not common !
    The best Militaria forum in France is here :

  4. #4


    Or contact Boudionovka on WRF.
    The best Militaria forum in France is here :

  5. #5


    I see weapons : Mousqueton 92.
    Helmets from WWI
    Buttons in copper. Perhaps blue uniforms?

    Military engineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The best Militaria forum in France is here :

  6. #6


    I have one mail : for the pioniers, they kept the blue uniform until it was out of order.
    The best Militaria forum in France is here :

  7. #7


    The picture at left : your uncle is at the School for Bridges, the cap is of course Blue Horizon.
    The best Militaria forum in France is here :

  8. #8

    Default More photos

    Thanks all for the nice comments. Some more photos. Uncle Charles is on the top left of the photo of the soldiers reclining. It seems like he always had a lit cigarette in his right hand. There is another shot at the dock/bridge area of the same crew and an additional post card with the description "souvenir de 18 mois de captivité" Not sure if that is a joke or a reference to actually being in a POW camp. NH

    French Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles DavinFrench Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles DavinFrench Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles DavinFrench Army Pioneer - Uncle Charles Davin

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