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Sheet music: "Chocolate Soldier from the USA"

Article about: Hi Guys, times change and what was considered "normal" and "fun" back then, would today be considered to be highly offensive to many people. This is peice of sheet music

  1. #1

    Default Sheet music: "Chocolate Soldier from the USA"

    Hi Guys, times change and what was considered "normal" and "fun" back then, would today be considered to be highly offensive to many people.

    This is peice of sheet music from my collection was published in Great Britain during WW2. It was not indended to be disrespectful to the black GI's, who were welcomed to the UK.

    I show this as an historical item, like all other items on the forum.

    This was given to me by a friend who knew of my interest in Jeeps. He played the tune for me on the piano.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Sheet music: "Chocolate Soldier from the USA"  


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