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Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff

Article about: so here are some things i found with my Grandpas stuff from the war : 1: is a D-Day letter from Ike to the troops 2: is French pay money with consecutive seiral numbers 3 & 4: is somethi

  1. #1

    Default Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff

    so here are some things i found with my Grandpas stuff from the war :

    1: is a D-Day letter from Ike to the troops

    2: is French pay money with consecutive seiral numbers

    3 & 4: is something i have never seen before its a little pocket leaflet warning ameircan soliders about interacting with the germans!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff   Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff  

    Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff   Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff  

  2. #2

    Default Re: Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff

    Nice documents. Great that they came from your Grandad

    The letter from Ike is the most valuable.

    Invasion money I like too.

    British troops were issued with similar letters telling them not to fratanise with the Germans.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff

    What is the value of the D-Day letter?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff

    The value of these varies at lot according to who is selling them. Try a search online.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Attached Images Attached Images Some cool paper stuff from my Grandpas stuff 

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