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Some help on stuff I found (lots of pics)

Article about: got this stuff from under the bed. it was my wifes dad's stuff anything here good? or general crap cheers

  1. #1

    Default Some help on stuff I found (lots of pics)

    got this stuff from under the bed. it was my wifes dad's stuff

    anything here good? or general crap


  2. #2

    Default Re: Some help on stuff I found (lots of pics)

    Hi, quite a range of items. Nothing of any great value, but they are good interesting family items.

    The postcard photos of the two soldiers from the Great War caught my eye.

    The "Invasion" currency issued for the campaign in France in 1944 is a nice little item. I have shown similar on the forum but from Italy.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Some help on stuff I found (lots of pics)

    Its good social history. Everyday items of the time that were thrown away and now we don't have a record of what life was really like. Not much commercial value but priceless as part of your families history. Wish my lot had kept some of their stuff.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Some help on stuff I found (lots of pics)

    Great stuff!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Some help on stuff I found (lots of pics)

    As said, not huge value - but nice group of items. The WWI photos
    ( and war-time currency ) caught my eye as well.........!


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