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US Army Newsmap

Article about: I was given aprox. 50-100 army newsmaps from 1944 I havent looked at many of them I have doubles of some. Are these collectible? Do they have any value?

  1. #1

    Default US Army Newsmap

    I was given aprox. 50-100 army newsmaps from 1944 I havent looked at many of them I have doubles of some. Are these collectible? Do they have any value?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture US Army Newsmap   US Army Newsmap  

    US Army Newsmap  

  2. #2
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: US Army Newsmap

    Basicly anything from ww2 is collectable.
    Btw Doner Kebabs rule
    To bad there none in Canada

  3. #3

    Default Re: US Army Newsmap

    Doner kebap's are so good! I havent had one for 10 years!!! I miss them

  4. #4
    3mk is offline

    Default Re: US Army Newsmap

    I only have them when I visit Poland every summer each 2 years
    It was the futhers favorite food!Also Goerings that explained his uniform size

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