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WW2 Era Letter written from Airmen to a Child in response to a “letter for the troops” style letter he received from the child.

Article about: Recently I acquired a batch of different ww2 era letters. While reading through them I realized the letters were written by different servicemen to a 6 year old child named William “Billy

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Era Letter written from Airmen to a Child in response to a “letter for the troops” style letter he received from the child.

    WW2 Era Letter written from Airmen to a Child in response to a “letter for the troops” style letter he received from the child.
    Recently I acquired a batch of different ww2 era letters. While reading through them I realized the letters were written by different servicemen to a 6 year old child named William “Billy” Herudek. Apparently during the war, Billy’s mother helped him write to different servicemen and many actually responded. I will post them overtime. This is the first letter. It was written by an Irving H. Asen. He was an Aerial Engineer. The letter is dated 1943. It reads:

    “Hi Ya to Billy

    Here’s from your 691 serviceman. You must be quite a grown boy for a 6 1/2 year older, and a very good one too.

    I know you will continue to be a good boy, and therefore am enclosing a war game for you, also my picture in a high altitude suit right after a flight. You will also find a pair of my Corporal Stripes that have seen actual service in the American theater of war, south of the states.

    I have a country home in N.J. If you let me know exactly where you are located, perhaps someday I might be in a position to visit you and your family.

    Until then, and thereafter, keep up the good work.

    Your 691 Serviceman
    Cpl. I. H. Asen a. E. “

    Lucky enough, still inside the envelope is the photo and Corporal stripes Irving mentions in the letter. You can see them in the photo. A pretty cool piece of history overall.
    WW2 Era Letter written from Airmen to a Child in response to a “letter for the troops” style letter he received from the child.

  2. #2


    Another super ephemera score. Nice to still have the contents included. These are real little gems of history, all the more remarkable for lasting so many decades without being lost. For now they have a safe place and an appreciative host and audience.

  3. #3


    Agree 100%!

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