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WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)

Article about: This letter is addressed to a man named Victor. Based on the contents of the letter, Victor is from the UK but is living/staying in Madison, New Jersey. It is dated September 3rd 1941. The l

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)

    WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)
    This letter is addressed to a man named Victor. Based on the contents of the letter, Victor is from the UK but is living/staying in Madison, New Jersey. It is dated September 3rd 1941. The letter reads:

    “ Sept. 3rd

    My dear Victor.

    I received your letter today (written on August 7th) opened by the censor but nothing deleted. You asked about the cable you sent mother. etc. some time ago. You don’t seem to have had any reply. I wrote you about it. Mother did so too. So both letters must have gone astray. I write quite often and am never sure how many get thrue. For instance - I have not the dates but I wrote about 15th. August to say I was going to Soton for a fortnight. I wrote again after I got there. And then again yesterday or so - Sept. 1st. I think.

    Your letter tickled me no end. I laughed at the bit where you let rip at the Irish , the pope - poor old bloke! You sounded just like Hitler. Tolerance my boy. Live and let live. That is how the British Empire succeeds ; our one failure - Ireland - due to Cromwell’s intolerance. Cromwell has a lot of points in common with Hitler, intolerance first, then a type of epileptic rhetoric. Fits of casting oneself down, chewing bits of string. Killing off anyone who thinks differently. I hope one day Hitler will suffer the hell of remorse that made Cromwell’s later years more agonizing than anything you would sentence your worse enemy to.

    Sept 6th.

    I was interrupted. Mother has received Margaret’s letter of Aug. 12th. It came the day after yours of the 7th and had not been opened. I have been out on a friend’s farm today and feel tired, dirty and happy. I went to get damsons for damson cheese and ducks which I had ordered. I always have a couple from each flock she kills. The plums have been wonderful this year. I have bottled such a lot, but have not made jam as we don’t like plum jam. Tho we keep wondering if we ought not to pocket our likes and dislikes these days. Still there’s lots of other jams to eat. I love the farm. I always wish I had married a farmer in weather like this, but in the winter it is a hard life.

    I’m glad you feel better about things. If you were here you would feel better still. It is because you are so far away and hear things late and are not sure what to believe that you worry so. We don’t. I don’t mean we like it. Or don’t realize things but - well. If you were in this right little, tight little island, you’d know. We are us. Half the worrying I’ve done is about you. And knowing you were worrying.

    We were pleased about the destroyers. I’m sure the bulk of decent Americans are pro British. The great difficulty is that native born Americans are so parochial and ignorant. They simply cannot grow up and realize that they are citizens of the world as well as of U.S.A. The British have always owned half the world and traveled to it and populated it so we have always led interest and knowledge of the world. USA will develop one day. Another generation, or 100 years and they will learn. I don’t suppose there is a narrower and more parochial life in the world than that of the American of the middle west. The salt of America is the foreign born intelligent citizen. I’ve always thought Roosevelt rather a good chap. Takes a broad view.”
    WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)
    WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)
    WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)
    WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 Era Letter Written by British Lady To a Man in The U.S. The Letter is full of Interesting Topics (Hitler, The British Empire, Cromwell, The US, and more)  

  2. #2


    I’m also unsure of the relationship between the two.

  3. #3


    Great letter! I read it as older sister to younger brother but that's just my interpretation.
    I had to Google damson cheese. A paste made from damsons and sugar to serve with meats and cheese.
    I grew up with my Mum making all sorts from the damson trees in the garden but this is a new one for me.
    I'll have to try making it next harvest.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  4. #4


    Yeah it’s very possible that they’re siblings.

    And I had to google it too haha. I had never heard of it. And if you do try it be sure to let me know how it taste!


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